Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bisaya group to stay away from politics

PBBS won't follow Usbo example free from dirty politics of UMNO

The United Sabah Bisaya Association (PBBS) maintains its stand to stay away from politics, its President, Janang Gayuh, Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin said.

He said members of the association, however, were free to join whichever political parties they choose based on their beliefs and understanding that could assure their future.

Lajim said this when asked to comment on the United Sabah Bajau Organisation (Usbo) decision to become an affiliate to the Barisan Nasional during its annual meeting last Saturday.

Recollecting the time he became the Assemblyman during Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) era in 1990, he said he stands firm that the association (PBBS) must be free from politics.

"When we talk about culture, ethnic races, unity as well as customs the members of PBBS are united in forgetting about political ideology for the sake of the community's future," he said.

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