Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Look beyond poco-poco, Perak mufti told

They call upon the Perak fatwa committee to get its priorities right and understand the spirit of Islam.

KUALA LUMPUR: PAS’ Kuala Selangor MP Dzulkefly Ahmad today called upon Perak Mufti Harrussani Zakaria to get his priorities right and focus on bigger issues plaguing the nation.

Referring to the recent Perak Fatwa committee’s decision to declare the ‘poco-poco’ dance as unlawful, Dzulkefly said religious leaders should instead monitor the government to ensure it was steadfast in the path of righteousness.

“I am not defending ‘poco-poco’ but the mufti should instead address issues like good governance, integrity and rule of law. These are very important Islamic values,”said Dzulkefly who is also PAS central committee member.

On Tuesday, Harussani told a Malay daily that the state Fatwa committee decided to ban the dance as it had elements of Christianity and spirit worship.

Calling the dance ban as uncalled for, Dzulkefly said the senior mufti should put things into the right perspective, including objecting to the use of gutter politics by BN politicians, which were un-Islamic.

“This is more important now, not ‘poco-poco’.

“Islam solves the bigger issues. Once you solve the bigger problems, the smaller ones will go away by itself,”he said.

Don’t give Islam bad name

Sharing Dzulkefly’s views, Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad said the Perak Fatwa committee must understand the spirit of Islam before declaring certain things as ‘haram’ (forbidden).

In Islam, Khalid said, everything is allowed unless there are specific practises within it which rendered it forbidden.

He added that at the end, it depended on the ‘niat’ (intention) of a person in doing the act that rendered a certain act as forbidden.

“For example, in ancient days kings are treated as gods but it is no longer the case now. Just because they were treated as gods in the past does not mean having kings are un-Islamic now.

“The same applies ‘poco-poco’. If a person dances to the tunes with a religious connotation in his heart, then the act can be questioned but if you dance it just for recreation then there is no problem,”said Khalid.

He called upon the state religious committee to dissect an issue thoroughly before issuing an edict to safeguard the good name of Islam.

“If not, people will have a bad impression over Islam. People may think that we cannot accept certain good things,”he said. By G Vinod
Perak patuhi fatwa haramkan poco-poco

March 30, 2011 Tarian diharamkan kerana ia mempunyai unsur kepercayaan agama lain iaitu Kristian selain pemujaan roh.
IPOH: Kerajaan Negeri Perak akan mematuhi keputusan Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Perak berhubung pengharaman tarian poco-poco, kata Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir.

Beliau berkata selepas fatwa dikeluarkan, semua pihak perlu menghormatinya dan tidak mempersoalkannya.

Menteri Besar berkata demikian mengulas laporan sebuah akhbar mengenai kenyataan Mufti Perak Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria bahawa Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Perak telah memutuskan tarian berkenaan sebagai haram.

Harussani dilaporkan berkata tarian tersebut diharamkan kerana ia mempunyai unsur kepercayaan agama lain iaitu Kristian selain pemujaan roh dan pewartaan fatwa itu akan dibuat tidak lama lagi.

Dalam perkembangan lain, Zambry berkata proses kelulusan tanah dijalankan mengikut prosedur biasa dan setiap permohonan akan dilayan mengikut peraturan.

“Permohonan akan diproses mengikut peraturan dan undang-undang…jika pemohon layak, kelulusan akan diberikan. Pemohon tidak akan ditanya sama ada menganggotai mana-mana parti,” katanya ketika diminta mengulas dakwaan pembangkang bahawa sebidang tanah di Gopeng diberikan kepada Umno baru-baru ini.

Zambry berkata dakwaan itu tidak seharusnya dilayan kerana sebelum ini, pembangkang mendakwa kerajaan negeri memberi tanah kepada MCA dan MIC.

- Bernama

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