Friday, April 29, 2011

On the road...

The trip's gone quite well so far. Flew into Los Angeles Wednesday afternoon. That night I attended a party at a friend's apartment, where I met the writer Sandra Cisneros. We chatted about writing for about 20 minutes. We're very different kinds of writers. For one thing, she's won one of those MacArthur "genius" grants. But it was an interesting conversation.

Yesterday I drove from L.A. to Flagstaff, Arizona (466 mi., 7 hr., 29 min.). This morning I stopped by the Flagstaff Barnes and Noble, where I saw The President Is a Sick Man in a bookstore for the first time. Then I drove to Santa Fe (392 mi., 6 hr. 34 min.). Winds of 50 mph with occasional dust storms the whole way. My friend's Prius, which I'm driving, is holding up well. (Don't worry, Phil.)

Tonight I'm staying at the home of James McGrath Morris, whose acclaimed biography of Joseph Pulitzer is now available in paperback. Jamie's already written a great blurb for my book, so now I am even more indebted to him!

Tomorrow I'll meander into Kansas. Looking forward to visiting the Eisenhower Library in Abilene (finally). First official event of the book tour is Tuesday night in Kansas City.

Oh, and the book got a nice mention on the Washington Post book blog this week.

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