Monday, April 18, 2011

Rais vs blogger: Case management on May

The Kuala Lumpur High Court today set May 6 for case management of the defamation suit brought by Information Communication and Culture Minister Rais Yatim against political analyst cum blogger Ahmad Mutalib Mohamed Daud.

Justice Amelia Tee Hong Geok Abdullah set the date in chambers.

Rais filed the suit via Messrs Shahabudin & Rozima on Feb 10 after four articles he regarded as libellous, dated Jan 1, Jan 3, Jan 5 and Jan 7, were uploaded by Ahmad Mutalib on the Sabahkini weblog, at

Ahmad Mutalib, a blogger who provides independent news via his weblog, has his registered address in Kota Kinabalu.

In his statement of claim, Rais had stated that certain words which appeared in the articles were malicious and defamatory of him.

He said the articles had gravely injured him personally and his professional reputation nationally and internationally, where he had suffered considerable embarrassment, distress and damage.

He also stated that the articles were absurd and wicked in misrepresentation of his character and office.

Rais is claiming general, special, aggravated and exemplary damages.

He is also seeking an injunction to compel Ahmad Mutalib to remove all the libellous words and passages in the articles.

Rais was represented by Norhani Nordin.

- Bernama

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