Thursday, May 19, 2011

Anwar not involved in Project IC?

PKR central committee member Khalid Jaafar says PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim was never involved in the Sabah identity card fiasco in the time he was in government.

Khalid, then an aide to Anwar, said: "Although Anwar has held various positions in the cabinet, he was never the home minister.

"Anwar was youth and sports minister, education minister, finance minister and deputy prime minister," said Khalid (left), who is also Hulu Selangor PKR information chief.

"I can (state) that Anwar was never involved in this matter (issuing ICs to non-citizens) in Sabah."

In the cabinet, Khalid said, one cannot infringe on another minister's portfolio.

Megat Junid, he said was the de facto Home Minister (as Dr Mahathir Mohamad was the Home Minister).

“Anwar has never been appointed as acting Deputy Home Minister or acting Home Minister before,” he said.

He said this when Sabah general surgeon Dr Chong Eng Leong was asked today if Anwar had been involved in the issuance of ICs to non-citizens in Sabah.

This was part of an operation called 'Project IC', which Chong has dubbed as "Project M" in reference to the former premier.

Chong, who was a PBS member but is now in PKR, said this when declaring that Umno was responsible in giving out ICs to foreigners who he estimated numbered 600,000 in 2005.

Chong, when asked this question, said he could not answer it and that such questions should be posed to Anwar himself.

Lifted from Malaysiakini

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