Sunday, May 29, 2011

Pakatan wants to kill SAPP?

Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Vice President Dullie Marie felt very disappointed and in delusion on what was uttered by DAP’s advisor, Lim Kit Siang during the dinner in conjunction with Harvest festival hosted by DAP.

"I was appointed by the Supreme Council to head a committee on any negotiation with DAP. The main objective to negotiate in good faith to have an understanding with DAP on one to one basis to face Barisan National in this coming election. This is also the aspiration expressed by of most the Sabahans. 

Dullie, who is also SAPP Putatan CLC Chief said it was supposed to be an occasion to celebrate the real meaning of Harvest Festival as it originally intended; to celebrate on the spirit of cordial relationship among the people of Sabah but unfortunately it turned out to be political talks dominated by DAP leaders from Peninsular and of course some PR leaders in Sabah.

"Lim Kit Siang made a blatant speech by telling Sabahans that only through PR changes are possible. He blindly ignored without any regard on the existence of local party/parties. Not even a bit. Lim Kit Siang speech did not reflect at all on cooperation with local party like SAPP. 

"He put it in ultimatum SAPP must be in PR, which we can assume and conclude it will be another episode like SNAP in Sarawak. It seems he simply ignored and insensitive to the feeling of most Sabahan. He was so passionate with excitement that makes him to forget PR was unregistered coalition. 

"Besides, he totally disregarded the wishes of PR leaders in Sabah who know better the realities. The negotiation committee set up by SAPP was prompted due to the request made by DAP and PKR leaders in Sabah and Peninsular respectively. 

"His attitude is a mere reflection of divide and rule imposed on Sabahans. This also tell us they are always in the upper hand and for us to survive we have to be subservient to their terms. We can safely conclude that PR leaders especially those from Peninsular will make decisions for their leaders in Sabah. They have no choices but to toe along the line.

"Generally the main objective is to kill local party like SAPP even before negotiations. By displaying such attitudes to reach mutual understanding will be rough and tough.

"Lim Kit Siang is very arrogant and insensitive in his speech. He managed to camouflage the audience who are mainly of the Chinese community. By sensationalizing on issues Lim forget to ask himself on actual number of Chinese seats in Sabah; he felt so great he is not even bothered to know on seats held by Bumiputras, Muslims and non-Muslims. Sabah is a multi-racial and religious society. Its issues differ so much from the West which usually bases along race and religious lines.

"The promise of making Sabah into a prosperous State within 100 days is nothing new. The same slogan we have had heard when UMNO began to spread its wings into Sabah in 1990s. But what had happened since then. Hence, he forgot to address the experience learnt by Sabahans from being ‘colonized’ for the last 48 years. He also quoted the speech made by Tan Sri Simon Sipaun on 7th March 2011. This is another superficial trick display; that by putting him in the limelight he (Lim) hoped psychologically able to hoodwink and lure the support from KDM community. 

"I guess he displayed such arrogant attitude due to his party's success in Sarawak. Being a veteran politician he should have good answers on what happened on Chinese’s voting trends in Sarawak. Lim should also open his eyes on the voting trends on the natives of Sarawak. Why they are still rallied and gave their votes to BN despite on various exposures made by the opposition. The Sarawakians want to protect their own autonomy.

"Therefore, for PR to achieve its dreams to Putrajaya, he should stop this arrogance; stop the ego of being more superior than us here in Sabah. He has to remember this is the 21st century. We agreed on change and will cooperate but will not join any pact at this particular instance of time. 

"SAPP would like to make total change based on the Malaysian Agreement 1963 on the basis of 20 Points and that Sabah is a partner in the formation of Malaysian Nation. Lim should remember without Sabah and Sarawak there won’t be a Malaysia today. 

"I just like to remind Lim Kit Siang and other leaders from Peninsular that they should be more sensitive on what they say. 

"We are loyal Malaysians and that we have grown with time. We believed the change must be made by Sabahans itself. Sabahans should be given the wisdoms on the real meaning of Independence. PR leaders should refrain from imposing colonist mentality to the Sabahans.

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