Monday, May 30, 2011

Hisham's muddy view of Akjan case laughable

By Datuk Yong Teck Lee

After reading Home Minister Datuk Hishamuddin Tun Hussein's statement that he has ordered a probe into Mohd Akjan Ali's citizenship, I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. I should laugh because the Home Minister is telling a joke about the Akjan case. Or I should cry because our Home Minister really thinks Sabahans are fools. Indeed, Hisham's public utterances have damaged the public confidence towards the government on this case. 

The police already have all the records and detailed information about Akjan. Not only was he an ISA detainee in 1995 to 1997 for manufacturing fake ICs, his company was later awarded multi-million ringgit project to build the police field force base in Kinarut about 10 years ago, directly under the Home Minister who, at the time, was the then Deputy Prime Minister, Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Three months ago, after the fake coronation as "Sultan of Sulu", Akjan was again detained for investigations. Statements were taken from several persons who are close to Akjan. Until recently, Akjan was also a member of UMNO, the ruling party of which Hisham is Vice President Does Hisham expect us to believe that he is still in the dark about Akjan's citizenship, background, activities and history? 

In one of Akjan's earlier statement after the fake "coronation", he had alleged that he has documents for the Prime Minister, Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak, concerning the dropping of the Sulu Sultanate claim to Sabah. I now call on Hishammudding to reveal to the public what the documents are. 

Do any of the documents have to do with letters from the ex-Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to Akjan relating to the Philippine claim to Sabah? If there are such documents, it is likely that copies of such documents are already in the hands of the police but the authorities are keeping quiet. 

Ex-Chief Minister Yong Teck Lee, May 1996 to 1998

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