Saturday, May 14, 2011

International seminar on UNESCO nomination for Mugal Gardens

Srinagar: With an aim to Re-examine the Mughal gardens, their wider landscapes; historical evolution and significance; conservation approaches and finally working towards UNESCO World Heritage nomination for these Gardens a three day international seminar began at Kashmir University Ibn -Khaldoun auditorium today.

The seminar where  J&K Governor  N N Vohra was the chief  guest  has been  organized by India National Trust for Art and cultural heritage ( INTACH) J&K Chapter , University of Kashmir Department of History and supported by  Department of Floriculture  J&K.

Vice chancellor University of Kashmir- Prof Riyaz Punjabi,  Minister of state for R&B  and Floriculture, Javied Ahmad  Dar, Convener INTACH Mohammad Saleem Beigh,  Prof Ebba Koch, Professor Institute of art  and history University of Vienna , Prof Mohammad Asharf wani , Dean faculty of social sciences,  and G H Naqash director Floriculture were present at the inaugural session .

Speaking of the occasion chancellor University of Kashmir and Governor of the state  N N Vohra  said that  though state of J&K  has a rich history of garden making activity but we have not been able to maintain a bit of what we could do to preserve the cultural heritage of our state.   Vohra referred to the climate change at the global level and said like many areas it has also started affecting the cultural heritage sites especially our gardens for which we need to do something. In modern day world our gardens do not need only preservation but maintenance as well, he added. Referring to the valuable artifacts, paintings and monasteries in the Ladak region of the state, Vohra lamented that due to sheer ignorance many people consider it as a barren desert.  He said that instead it is land with rich heritage which must be preserved at all costs.

Vohra said that out of the 900 places on the UNESCO list of heritage sites only 33sites from India have been able to find place there.  .He also wished more gardens from the state of J&K find recognition at the international level so that they could be well preserved and maintained to attract more tourists across the globe. Praising Kashmir University and Vice chancellor KU Prof. Punjabi for what he termed his “imagination and interest” in safeguarding our heritage  Vohra emphasized that the government, academicians and voluntary organizations should join hands to reclaim the old glory of the heritage gardens. He lauded the efforts of INTACH especially its head Mohammad saleem Beigh in this direction.

Vice chancellor KU Prof Punjabi complimented chancellor for his interest in Ku programmes and assured him that KU will support all initiatives aimed at preserving our gardens and other heritage sites. “Without mourning on what we have lost, let us join hands to preserve and conserve whatever is left behind” said VC.

Prof Mohammad Ashraf wani, Dean social sciences presented a research paper on the theme “history of gardens in J&K” and claimed that Kashmir has a rich and old history in garden making and preservation and it is in no way limited to the Mughal rule. 

Prof Ebba Koch, University of Vienna, delivered a presentation on Mughal architecture and correlated the same with the architecture of the Mughal Gardens in Kashmir. Mohammad Saleem Beigh, Head INTACH Kashmir chapter referred gardens of Kashmir as natural and cultural assets of Kashmir and said that the proposed recognition will help us to preserve these gardens for posterity. Minister of state for R&B, Floriculture, Horticulture and agriculture, Javaid Ahmad Dar spoke about the efforts by his ministry for the restoration and maintenance of these gardens “ we would do every thing to restore them  to their pristine glory “ he asserted . Director Floriculture, Ghulam Sarwar Naqash delivered vote of thanks.  The international conference will continue for another three days and it has participation from renowned academicians, experts from Archeological Survey of India, School of Planning and Architecture, Aga Khan Trust of Culture, Scientists from Geology and Geo Physics. By AGENCIES

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