Sunday, May 15, 2011

Is PBS still relevant for KDM?

Illegals put PBS in a tight spot

After reading the long answer written by Datuk Henrynus Amin in response to Politikampung, I have come to the conclusion that what Henrynus is saying is that Umno has changed, it can never be toppled, so it is best for everybody to support it by remaining in BN.

And when Datuk Marcus Mojigoh voiced out Upko's dissatisfaction about the perennial problem of the illegal immigrants in Sabah, he had to come up with something a lot stronger.

His whole, very comprehensive outline of complaints against the Federal Government about the same issue was in almost total contrast to what he said about Umno in response to Politikampung.

And then as if fearing a backlash from Umno like what has been suffered by LDP, Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan immediately issued another statement to say that the problem of illegals in Sabah cannot be blamed on the federal of the State Government! Now, it doesn't take an Einstein to realise the ridiculous implications from this series of statements.

Several questions immediately comes to mind, and the most obvious is whether Henrynus as the PBS Secretary General and Pairin as PBS President, have different stands on the issue! And if that is true what really is the PBS' stand on illegals? If Pairin says both the Federal Government and the State Government cannot be blamed, then who should be blamed? Who should have implemented the immigration laws if not the Federal and State Governments? Doesn't Pairin realize that we have been talking about the Project IC, phantom voters, extraordinary increase in the state population, and so on for years now? As the Deputy Chief Minister and the former Chief Minister who was also the Chairman of the State Security Committee he should have a clear explanation about how the problem got worse over the last decades.

And also, he needs to give a suggestion on how to solve the problem.

As it is he just wants to wash his hands off the problem as if he is afraid of offending his political bosses.

As such, this begs the question - What is PBS in BN for? Now that Pairin had said that, what about his previous statements in which he said he wanted the illegal immigrants problem to be resolved by 2012? Is PBS still holding on to this demand? This awkwardness is not going to stop.

Sooner rather than, later, PBS will betray its own dilemma with other issues as well, proving that it cannot decide on doing the right thing.

PBS must know that it is high time PBS thinks about re-evaluating its real struggle and how it should fit in the current and future political setups of Sabah, especially on its relevance to the Kadazandusun struggle.

But then I don't see how PBS can resolve this dilemma if it still believes it should continue in BN.

But then, PBS cannot find the guts to leave the coalition for fear of repeating the previous 'blunder' for which Pairin has publicly apologised.

So it seems it is stuck with BN, and will continue to live in a dilemma.

And it will become more and more removed from its original struggle.

This article is lifted from The Borneo Post 15 May 2011 and written by Raymond Tombung

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