Sunday, May 22, 2011

SAPP is doing better job on Bumi issues

Sabahans need to change their attitude if they want to progress. The attitude of certain groups of Kadazandusun and muslim bumiputras today who are still living with a “Katak dibawah Tempurung (ignoring of things happening around them)” mentality need to be changed.

This includes their perception of SAPP, which is although is a Chinese party, is actually the true fighter for the Kadazandusun and muslim bumiputras. (SAPP is actually a multi-racial party)

To me, only SAPP can defend the interests of the Kadazandusun and muslim bumiputras in Sabah when all the local based parties are not that serious.

I have come to the conclusion that it was the Kadazandusun and muslim bumiputras leaders who sold the native customary rights land of the villagers.

There are no job opportunities in Sabah because our leaders who are presently sitting in the Government never demanded the Federal Government to set up industries to provide jobs for our youngsters.

Our Kadazandusun and Muslim bumiputras leaders in Sabah mostly are cowards, easily bought over and not as firm and bold enough like the Chinese. They are not sincere in fighting for their own rakyat. They much prefer to amass personal wealth by purchasing village lands and then selling them to foreign companies for their own interest. They are just penyanggak and lintah darat (crooks and blood suckers).

The religious issue faced by us today is caused by dirty politics played by the both peninsula-based pro-government and opposition parties. We do not want to be involved and share their burden of this and many other problems brought by them to Sabah and Sarawak.

The rakyat in Sabah must not be easily influenced by the words uttered by those leaders in Government today, which are only meant for their own personal benefit.

Most of our leaders nowadays own a house in KL, as their own rakyat are being sidelined.

Maslan Maginda

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