Sunday, May 22, 2011

Quick update...

I know, I know, I haven't been doing a good job of updating the blog lately. Truth is, I've been running around a lot. The first leg of the book tour ended last week when I dropped off my friend's car in Brooklyn. I'd driven it all the way from Los Angeles: 4,194 miles in 18 days. This week I'm back on the road for events in Buffalo, then, next Saturday, May 28, I'll be doing a reading at Politics & Prose, a famous Washington bookstore. I'm very excited about that one! (For the particulars on my events, please visit the book's website here and click on Book Tour.)

Here's s rundown of recent publicity for the book... Here's an op-ed about Grover that I wrote for the Christian Science Monitor... Here's my appearance on Inside City Hall, a great program on NY1 in New York... And here's a nice plug for my Buffalo appearances in the Buffalo News.

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