Friday, May 20, 2011

Religious and Racial tensions the political trump card for Umno?

By Dullie Haji Marie

Another twist emerged by Utusan Malaysia, by sensationalizing on the issue that unsubstantiated with facts; the Christian leaders were conspiring to replace Islam as the official religion and install a Christian Prime Minister. It is incomprehensible when Islam is constitutionally the official religion of the nation.

Unfortunately, this deluge of lies was further dramatised by Datuk Ibrahim Ali, by waging a crusade against Christianity. The result of Sarawak election is sending a strong message to make UMNO in a panic mode. It will be the likely trend to continue in the coming GE 13. Just make a guess if this incident happens by coincident or is it crafted to destroy DAP directly and indirectly PKR and PAS by begging for the Malays to rally behind UMNO.

However, Malaysians in the West are so much immune on the issue of religion and race. They had been indoctrinated with the issue for almost half a century. The tactic is basically to garner the support from the Malays. Malaysians is now more civil and in general possess the highest level of tolerance and the maturity on the issue of religion and race.

This was well reflected on how they handled the incidents of cow head; the arson of churches over the use of Allah. They are very much aware that the instigation primarily as a political ploy to garner the support of the Malay in the name of Ketuanan Melayu. It is undeniable that the support of the Malays is so vital to keep UMNO in power.

It has been the norm whenever the election is around the corner the same issue is manifested. Usually the issue is non-issue but it was manufactured that the treat is seen to be real. The most flagrant example, on how the same issue, race and religion, was capitalized back in 1990. The incident when Tengku Razaleigh was seen as Christian just only by wearing a Kadazan’s headwear. Normally in Sabah such an act is considered merely as a sign of respect and gesture of friendship. But it was blown up out of proportion in Semananjung with the end result Semangat 46 was trashed. This incident should have been noted seriously by Sabahan and should treat it as a wake-up call on the danger of racial polarization.

Sabahan in generally is not too sensitive on the issue of religion and race. This was proven and reflected by the political history of Sabah. During the Sabah Alliance it was governed by three major parties representing the Bumiputras Muslim/non Muslim and the Chinese.

The tolerance and harmony prevailed until to the era of PBS rule. It was the moment when UMNO making its presence in Sabah politics. It was the beginning when Sabahan indoctrinated on the issue of race and religion. It is an effort to make a smooth way to the entrance of UMNO. Since then, UMNO capitalized on the issue, to divide and rule along the race and religious lines. That lethal strategy is so glaring through gerrymandering and invoking on strategy of giving My Cards to the foreigners.

In reality Sabahan do not subscribe to the ideology of Malay Supremacy as propagated by UMNO. However, most of Muslim Bumiputras are now considered themselves to be as Malay just because they are Muslims as stipulated by the Malaysian Constitution.

The indoctrination is beginning to bear fruit but in the end these Muslim Bumiputras no longer carry the stigma of their origins. This is of a great concern to the future of our generation.

In a long run the Muslim Bumiputras will be marginalized and outnumber with the emergence of new groups creeping into our society. The impact will be horrendous besides the lost of languages and cultures.

Generally, we don’t have the problem on the issue of religion and race. But because of UMNO in Sabahan are willingly sung along and embraced ourselves on the problem imported from Semananjung. But in reality we don’t have the problem here.

We in Sabah had been living in harmony and the issue of race and religion has never been our problem and it has never been our agenda towards the formation of Malaysia.

Sabah is truly a typical example of homogenous society that richly endowed with cultures and creeds and that diversification bonded our unity.

The reality in Sabah is very much mix, we are able to sit together in coffee shops and enjoyed our foods by respecting each other although of different ethnics and creeds.

In most instances, although we are of different religions but most of us are related either through our ancestors or through marriages.

Although we are of different backgrounds but we are related and usually we are often mingling with each and talk over on our problems.

Because we are related it has been the tradition to celebrate social and religious events together. In Sabah, it is very common to see some ethnics embraced different religions. Religion only as barrier to separate them but in reality they are related to each other.

Sabah perhaps is the highest number of mixed-marriages. This is the most unique and the beauty of our culture in Sabah. This precious culture was inherited from our ancestors and it is our duty to protect and preserve them from being destroyed in the name of religion.

Actually our aspiration joining Malaysia is very basic and clear that we want to be treated equally; that is when our rights and autonomy as promised should be respected; that we never dream when religion will be used as a barrier to divide us.

We should not be naive and must be awakened to the political realities. We have to be realistic on pertinent issues that confronting our daily life and on issues that will have tremendous impact to our generation.

The immediate issues that confront us now and that need to be addressed are the increase on the cost of living; rampant corruptions and abused of power; high unemployment and poverty rates and the impact on social problems by the PTI.

The issue is real; we must not derail ourselves from the real issues. The issue of religion is very much superficial and only subscribed by the old school of thought. We should not be trapped with the issue; because it is not real but merely as tool to perpetuate political agendas to hang on power.

This issue will soon be over taken by time, proven by what is happening in the Middle East. We should not subscribe to an outdated ideology that will bring us to the brink of destruction.

The world is borderless awaken ourselves and see on the reality happening around us. The nation and the people will suffer and there will be no gainer, even the perpetrators themselves will also suffer.

The dream to be a progress nation is only realized when the society live in harmony, peace and united. This only can be achieved not through feudalism but through democratic process.

This is the struggles that motivated SAPP for the better future of Sabah.

Dullie Hj.Marie,Vice President of SAPP

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