Friday, May 13, 2011

Chong: PBS told me to shut up on illegals

FORMER Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) supreme council member, Dr Chong Eng Leong claimed he left the party because PBS did not want him as a PBS member vocal on the illegal immigrant and Project IC issues.

"PBS refused me to submit a Memorandum to Suhakam in 2004 on the subject of Sabah's population explosion since 1970 and the Project IC issue. PBS wanted nothing to do with it as PBS was worried that Umno would accuse PBS of back-stabbing the BN again.

"PBS also refused me to present my papers as a PBS member on the same issue to the Parliamentary Select Committee on National Unity in 2005 and the Parliamentary Select Committee on National Integrity in 2006.

"I did all the above as a concerned lonely Sabahan. I need a political platform to further my desire to make wider awareness of this perennial predicament facing Sabah's security sovereignty within Malaysia.

"This is the main reason for writing my book Lest We Forget, the sub-title is Security and Sovereignty of Sabah," he said in refuting PBS Secretary General Datuk Henrynus Amin's claim that Dr Chong's departure from PBS was not related to the issue of illegal immigrants and fake ICs.

"We all know that we need a Federal Government that has a political will to face and solve this issue of illegal immigrants, Project IC and phantom voters.

"We all know that Umno and Barisan Nasional will not do this," he said.

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