Thursday, June 30, 2011

Congressof Library

One of the things on my Washington D.C. Must-Do-List was making a stop at the Library of Congress, a feat I was able to accomplish this past week. I had been to a couple of trainings in the Library of Congress during the first few weeks of my internship, but they were in the James Madison Memorial Building not the Thomas Jefferson Building.

Fun Fact: The Library of Congress is actually housed in three buildings throughout the Capitol Complex, Thomas Jefferson Building, John Adams Building, and James Madison Memorial Building. And prior to 1897 the Library of Congress (LOC) was located in the actual Capitol building. Here is a link for historical information on the Library of Congress:
The Thomas Jefferson Building houses the Main Reading Room, a prominent feature in the movie National Treasure: Book of Secrets, and probably the most well known “library” in America. As I made my way through a maze of corridors that felt never-ending in search of the Main Reading Room I came across four amazing exhibits.
Located in the Graphic Arts Galleries (Herblock Gallery and Caroline and Erwin Swann Memorial Exhibition) the first exhibit explored the rise and evolution of editorial cartoons through the work of Herbert L. Block, a famous cartoonist from the 1950s. Through an archway is the Swann Exhibit, a collection exploring the diversity of cartooning from slapstick to political and everything in-between. Down the hall was Here to Stay: The Legacy of George and Ira Gershwin, a phenomenal exhibit for those of you who love musical theater and film from the first half of the twentieth century. The Gershwin exhibit is followed by Hope for America: Performers, Politics, and Pop Culture, with a funny film introduction by Stephen Colbert. 

Political Culture in Washington

As I get more comfortable in the office where I intern, I am making some important observations about the workings of politics. In some ways the things are not as bad as people think when looking in from the outside, and in other ways, they are worse. The reality is that the men and women that work in government are just like the rest of us, and they are in some cases just as frustrated with the political situation as those that feel disenchanted with the stalemate politics in government.

Every day I get new proof that working in congress is not any different than working anywhere else. There are the usual day to day activities of doing the same work that you did not finish yesterday and continuing the same work tomorrow and yes there is a time to be serious and a time to be funny. I am learning a great deal about the decision making process, and all the different channels involved in getting your message across. I had never considered the true nature of voting, deciding how to vote, deciding what to support and what not to support, and all the choices of who gets heard and who does not get a chance to voice his or her opinion.

There are interesting and complicated debates that leave everybody wondering about the merits of their arguments, but at the end of the day there is a certain level of consensus.

The most important lesson that I have learned so far is that most of the time it is the small picture that draws attention, and the immediate effects of the policies that are put forth. This is understandable, since everybody is under pressure to show progress and since there is a high level of transparency in government, and everybody has to show some kind of results. However, I have to say that I hoped that once in a while not just the present, but also the future impacts of policies would be taken into consideration.

During my free time at home, I have been rereading the Congress chapter of my Political Science textbook just to refresh my mind of what I learned about the United States Congress so that I can have a better idea of what everybody talks about in the office. I have the say that the theories in the textbook pretty well match up with the reality, and when they do not match up exactly, they act as the textbook predicts. The reality is that at the end of the day it is all politics, which is all about who gets what and how. I wish it was different than that, but it is not. In order to make a real difference there has to be serious reforms in the process of governance in America.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Reid machine

Harry Reid is showing he’s not afraid to engage on Rep. Shelley Berkley's behalf. 
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid remains wildly unpopular in Nevada, meaning he probably won’t be doing much public campaigning on behalf of his old friend, Rep. Shelley Berkley, who is seeking the state’s other Senate seat.
But when it comes to nitty-gritty politics, Reid is showing he’s not afraid to engage on the congresswoman’s behalf.
Knowing that the Nevada race could tip the Senate’s balance of power, Reid is beefing up an already aggressive campaign machine that played a major role in his stunning reelection victory last November. Already, Reid’s team is enlisting top staff, pollsters and fundraisers on behalf of Berkley, fine-tuning its voter registration and identification programs, recruiting an army of volunteers to reach out to voters, sending fundraising solicitations to 70,000 email addresses acquired through the last campaign and drafting new plans to target the state’s rapidly growing Hispanic population.
On fundraising, many well-heeled donors in Nevada and Washington fear backlash from the powerful Democratic leader if they donate to Berkley’s primary challenger, Byron Georgiou, or to Sen. Dean Heller, the Republican incumbent. And Reid has already become a surrogate attack dog, engaging in a mud-slinging match against Georgiou that could marginalize the Democratic challenger — while allowing Berkley to stay above the fray.
Reid may not be on the ballot next year, but Republicans know that Berkley won’t be the only Democrat they’ll have to worry about in the hotly contested Senate race.
“I don’t think you can underestimate Sen. Reid,” Texas Sen. John Cornyn, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, told POLITICO. “He did a formidable job in his reelection, so I don’t underestimate him. So we’ll be ready.”
For Democrats, the majority leader’s role in the campaign certainly comes with a political price: The GOP is eager to paint Berkley as a Reid clone who carries the water for the Obama White House.
With the election of a new GOP governor, Brian Sandoval, Republicans are optimistic they’ll be able to turn around their disorganized state party and possibly chip away at Reid’s machine. Some in the GOP even downplay Reid’s 2010 voter-turnout operation, saying his victory was largely the result of Republican Sharron Angle’s flawed candidacy and pointing out that Heller received 18,000 more votes in his House reelection bid than Angle did in the northern part of the state.
Heller, who was appointed in May to the seat vacated by scandal-tarred Republican John Ensign, may reap the advantages of being an incumbent, allowing him to raise his statewide profile over the next 17 months and set up Senate offices in the southern part of the state, where he’s not well known.

Democrats Need

Here's a question: Why is repealing the Bush tax cuts such a constant obsession for the Democratic Party? Especially the top rates for the most successful earners and small business entrepreneurs?

It seems this is the Democratic answer for every single issue, every problem, every debate.

This, of course, saddens me enormously.

And so, always ready to help, I am recommending a 12-Step program to help them overcome their anger, resentment, and obsession over the Bush tax cuts. Democrats really need a Higher Power on this.

First, when tax rates were lowered across-the-board in mid-2003, the incentive effect kicked in to jump-start the economy immediately. Over the next four and a half years, before the financial meltdown slammed the economy-- and that was a credit event, not a fiscal one—8.2 million jobs were created.

Jobs essentially rose for about fifty consecutive months.

Non-farm payrolls rose from just under 130 million to just over 138 million. Don’t believe me? You can look it up. This sort of job creation is exactly what President Obama would love to see happen now.

And, while jobs rose, the government took in more revenues. As a share of GDP, revenues rose from 16.2 percent to 18.5 percent. Simply put, supply-side tax cuts were the single best economic policy President Bush implemented.

Elsewhere, President Bush overspent and overregulated. And yes, the dollar collapsed on his watch. And from Fannie Mae to the Federal Reserve, the housing bubble was born.

Minimum wages now, not policies

While a significant number of workers suffer due to poor wages, the government continues to be pro-employer in its approach.

By Syed Shahrir Syed Mohamud

It was a sad day for workers and unions in Malaysia when Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak at the Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC) dinner on June 14 made no firm commitment on the promotion and protection of workers’ rights.

As for the minimum wage issue, his response was that this matter is to be referred to the National Wage Consultative Council. There was also no positive response on the issues of retirement age of 60, increasing maternity leave to 90 days for all workers, and the Cost of Living Allowance (COLA).

Workers in Malaysia are still a very low priority of the current Umno-led Barisan Nasional government that has ruled since independence in 1957. Pleas of workers and their families for decent wages continue to be ignored by a government that has been shown to be pro-employer and pro-business, which, by its actions and omissions, seems to be more interested in maintaining the supply of lowly paid, “problem-free” and “easily used and disposable” workers especially for private sector companies.

Workers’ demand and plea for a basic minimum living wage law that will ensure that workers and their families will be able to live decent lives as human beings continue to be ignored by this government, which has at the same time been very fast in increasing the cost of living. This government has allowed increase in the cost of electricity, water, postal services, phone charges, toll charges, petrol and generally the cost of living.

The introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) saw an overall rise of cost of almost all goods and services. Continuous subsidy removals have also resulted in the increase of prices of basic goods and amenities needed by all persons to sustain life. All these measures that resulted in an increase in the cost of living of workers and their families have been done speedily and systematically, but at the same time this government has not ensured increase in wages, and has been systematically removing the right to secure employment until retirement age.

New workers today are being allowed by the government to be employed as short-term contract workers, and sadly even once permanent workers are made to leave through various schemes, like voluntary separation schemes (VSS) and then re-employed as short-term contract workers. Then, the government has expressed the intention of wanting to deny these now contract workers the right to go to court and claim for reinstatement when they are wrongfully dismissed by employers, but the trade unions and civil society opposed this and the government has yet to make this law.

Now, another disturbing trend is that the government is allowing some companies to avoid employment relationships, and their duties and obligations to the workers who work in their factories, plantations and workplaces. It is doing this by a new illegal entity called outsourcing agents, who are actually contractors for labour that supply workers to principals, and this clearly is not allowed in our Employment Act 1955. The law applies to all, including the government, and action is demanded that injustice and violation of law are aggressively ended.

Workers living below poverty line

On minimum wage, Malaysia always had the Wages Councils Act 1947, which gave the government the means and mechanisms to stipulate minimum wages for workers but, alas, it seems that only four categories of workers have been covered by orders made under this Act, that is, in 1967, 1970, 1972 and 1977. They are catering and hotel workers, shop assistants, cinema workers, and Penang stevedores and cargo handlers respectively. For example, the 1970 order on shop assistants provides that the minimum remuneration for a worker ranges from RM170 to RM250, depending on the age of the worker, location and whether full-time or apprentice.

Now, rather than immediately setting and implementing a minimum wage for all workers in Malaysia, or coming out with a minimum wage law, the BN government is telling us that it is tabling a new Bill called the National Wage Consultative Council Act, and the fear is that this will just be as ineffective as the previous law, and all workers will not enjoy basic minimum wages for some time yet, if at all.

The government can immediately set the basic minimum living wages for workers now, subject to later adjustment. A few months ago, the government set the minimum wages for security guards at RM700 per month, which came into effect at the end of January 2011, and as such, the government also can and should immediately set a floor minimum wage for all workers now. It is proposed that this be at least RM900 and it become effective on July 1, 2011. Further adjustments and annual periodic reviews can be done later but at least workers will get sufficient wages now for themselves and their families when cost of living is already so high.

It is sad that the new president of MTUC, Khalid Atan, saw it fit to shower praises on our prime minister, and pledged that MTUC will be working closely with this government that has a history of being anti-worker and pro-employer. MTUC, trade unions and workers’ groups must always place as priority the fight for workers’ rights and welfare, and not try to curry favour with politicians and the government of the day.

It is also distressing that MTUC has allowed the event to become an Umno event, in particular when Umno Youth used it to launch its workers complaints (aduan pekerja) website. It would have been much better if the money was just donated to MTUC to have its own independent website.

Workers and their unions have been calling for minimum wage for a long time, and this demand intensified in the last six years but, alas, the current government’s response has to date been empty promises only save for the 100,000 plus security guards that got something.

Let us not forget that a study on wages initiated by the Human Resources Ministry has revealed that almost 34% of about 1.3 million workers earn less than RM700 a month, below the poverty line of RM720 per month. And in June 2011, our prime minister is not talking about workers getting minimum wages soon but only that “…he hoped a minimum wage policy can be implemented by year-end…”

Workers demand minimum wages today – not just a policy by end of the year.

Syed Sharir Syed Mohamud is the former Malaysian Trade Union Congress president.

Ibrahim an idiot or agent?

Perkasa or Ibrahim Ali, a so-called NGO, sponsored by Umno, on the pretence of fighting for 'Malay rights' has now step up its move to thwart Bersih's rally which is totally irrelevant to their (Perkasa 'cause') which was doubted by most right thinking Malaysians.

Bersih's rally is just about justice, free and fair elections for Malaysia...what this got to do with Perkasa...unless Perkasa is an agent of Umno.

Obviously, we see that the setting up of Perkasa was just a tool by Umno to create racial and religious uneasiness so as to make the Malays phobic of their rights being trampled (rubbish), their political supremacy diluted (rubbish) and non-Muslims' threat to Islam (also rubbish).

Well, all these are churned out for few things...a poltical purpose, power and survival.

Fight and we must fight to win

By Captain Joseph Wilfred

As promised last Sunday, I have returned to consult The Sifu on which opposition party in Sabah to support in the coming 13th General Election and the following transpired.

2. On 16th September 2010, while ATAMA was performing for Malaysia Day at Padang Merdeka Kota Kinabalu, I attended a dinner reception hosted by PAKATAN RAKYAT at Putera Ballroom Bukit Padang together with The Sifu.

3. He was seated firmly in his chair from the beginning but mysteriously vanished when a SupreMoo, a Semenanjung MP, a Sabah MP, and a Sabah Assemblyman took over the microphone – in the process, abandoning even the food on the table which I personally know is one thing The Sifu will never do.

4. Today more than 9 months later, The Sifu told me why: He said,

5. “I am an objective person. For more than half a century as a human being, I tell you Captain, I can definitely recognize an idiot when I see and listen to one. I won’t sit around and hear crap.

6. You were there yourself on countless occasions when I told off people who had done wrong but in a very nice manner and these people (the brilliant ones, of course), despite feeling embarrassed, always put aside their shame and approached me for advice.

7. On the contrary, this SupreMoo (someone called him an old cow lately) portrays himself as a ‘I can do no wrong and you can do no right’ kind of politician. When I heard him speak (actually, he shouted all the way, to be precise), I find a person devoid of intellectual substance and etiquette. He doesn’t realize that his speeches are so hateful to hear so much so a convicted petty thief would rather choose amputation than to be put in a counseling room with this SupreMoo.

8. The Semenanjung MP, I heard, read Law from don’t know what university (I really don’t know). But that night on 16th September 2010, she portrayed herself as a “cheapskate Mandarin opera singer” who ignored the fact that 80% of the audience that night can only understand either English or Bahasa. To me, she is both a humiliation and an embarrassment.

9. As for the Sabah MP, I heard the people of Foh Sang Township ‘whispering’ that he thinks he is going to be the next Chief Minister of Sabah. For 3 times I have heard him spoke and I can have only one question to ask: ‘does this person really possesses a bona fide doctorate at all’?

10. You want to know what I think of the Sabah Assemblyman? This is one fellow who in spite of not having the ability to give a coherent and understandable description of anything at all in any language that he may try his tongue at (in short, everything he said that night was outright horrendous), has the audacity to parade his DUBIOUS NATIVE CERTIFICATE to all and sundry when everyone knows that his ancestors are 100% PURE CHINESE.

11. Oh…before I forget, do you still recall 25th July 2010 when a former PKR Leader launched his Pakatan Friends FaceBook Page in Yaho Hotel Sembulan? Remember the representative from Sepanggar who went up to the rostrum? His speech was a complete disaster and the audience, instead of laughing with him, was actually laughing at him. And the truth is, Captain, almost 90% of leaders and members from this Semenanjung Party are of this kind of quality.

12. By the way, Captain, it is wrong for you to address a veterinarian (meaning doktor binatang) as a doctor. You can only call him Vet So-And-So not Dr So-And-So. Under international standards, only genuine doctorate holders and medical practitioners treating human beings are entitled to be addressed as doctors.”

13. What about SAPP then, Sifu? Do you think the people of Sabah should support and vote for SAPP? What is your view? And His response was,

14. “If the opposition front in Sabah is only between PAKATAN RAKYAT (meaning PKR, DAP, PAS) and SAPP, then like what ATAMA had already suggested to SAPP Supreme Councilor Peter Marajin sometime in March this year, let PAKATAN RAKYAT take all the Parliamentary Seats while SAPP all the State Seats. All my reasons are already made known confidentially to SC Marajin by ATAMA.

15. Do not create multi-cornered fights and split the votes because only UMNO/BN will win. Whilst the local opposition party (meaning SAPP) support PAKATAN RAKYAT’s move to take over Putrajaya, PAKATAN RAKYAT must reciprocate and respect Sabah’s autonomy in every way.”

16. What if PAKATAN RAKYAT and SAPP refuse to come to a consensus? What then? The Sifu laughed,

17. “Of late, it has become obvious that PAKATAN RAKYAT (meaning PKR and particularly DAP) is bullying SAPP into a tight corner. You cannot really blame DAP members when they accuse SAPP of having a questionable leadership.

18. Interestingly, this Semenanjung Party also have corrupted leaders not to mention those with bogus doctorate, dubious native certificate, fake knighthood purportedly awarded by Queen Elizabeth II, and many others including a supreme loose cannon that fires blank rounds (check out youtube for parliament videos and you will know why UMNO MPs always ridicule and tell him to shut up).

19. Similarly, Captain, do you remember a sitting State Cabinet Minister from PBS who also claimed that his Datukship is equivalent to a British Knighthood not too long ago?

20. Now back to your question: If a black and white consensus cannot be reached, then PAKATAN RAKYAT and SAPP should jointly contest every Parliamentary plus State Seats against each other and lose all their deposits. This is one outcome that does not require a crystal ball to predict.” If they cannot agree and compromise, they should fight it out – fair and square and lose. There is no other way around the impasse.

21. If such a scenario happens, what is your advice to the people of Sabah? The Sifu (now serious),

22. “This is my message to all Sabahan brothers and sisters – vote for UMNO/BN if you are stupid; vote for PAKATAN RAKYAT if you are just as stupid; if you are not stupid, Vote only for SAPP but subject to the following terms and conditions:-

1. Do not vote for a candidate if he or she has any social, political, economical, family, or criminal baggage because such person’s integrity and credibility can be bought

2. Do not vote for any past or present incumbents because I have yet to see anything tangible that is worthy of praise being done by them, at least not by my standards

3. Do not vote for a candidate who has a speech and language problem because such person is usually stupid

4. Do not vote for a candidate who thinks he or she knows everything and yet only parrot what was heard

5. Vote for a candidate who is energetic and highly educated (preferably, but not limited or confined to, in English and with a degree in Economics) because only such candidates are able and willing to walk the extra mile for their constituents

23. If you could not find any or all of the above qualities in a SAPP candidate but on the other hand a PAKATAN RAKYAT candidate possesses those details, then, by all means, vote for the PAKATAN RAKYAT candidate instead.

24. If neither SAPP nor PAKATAN RAKYAT candidates have those qualities, I will stay home and not even bother to fly 17 hours back here to cast my vote.

 (JW: Note to SAPP, in paragraph 22, The Sifu has insinuated to you what you should be contesting.)

25. Before I finish, I have to give due credit to Hiew King Chieu for highlighting the harassment on ATAMA in the mainstream media. This shows that Hiew King Chieu is a caring person. No human being is perfect but shortfalls can be rectified. Perhaps there is room for possible improvements, probably?

26. For helping ATAMA in my absence, I say a big THANK YOU.”

27. You people want to know what The Sifu said about Sabahans who are members of PAKATAN RAKYAT (particularly PKR and DAP) taking pot shots at SAPP, this is the analogy He gave:

28. “Throughout the real history of the Malacca Sultanate, Malay warriors are losers – they fought the Siamese and ended up paying ‘bunga emas’ every year as ‘ufti’ until ‘Hang Tuah’ and his friends came into the picture.

29. Who is ‘Hang Tuah’? He and the others are the personal bodyguards of a minor Chinese princess ‘Hang Li Po’ who came and married the Malacca sultan.

30. It is common in China those days that servants adopt the surnames of their masters and even courtiers who served the Imperial Court well were bestowed with the surname of the Emperor.

31. The entire ‘Hang Li Po’ clan was Chinese Muslims like Admiral Cheng Ho. To those of you Malay Muslims who do not know, Islam was practiced in India and China at least 600 years before any of your ancestors did.

32. Back to ‘Hang Tuah’, Malacca’s fortune changed instantly because of superior Chinese ‘kung fu’ and war strategy. After his death, every battle the Malay warriors fought was, again, lost e.g. against the Portuguese, English, Japanese, Communist, Indonesian Confrontation, and etc.

 33. ‘Hang Tuah’ was epitomized as a Malay hero in history books until it was finally revealed by American scientists that the DNA from his remains was proven to be 100% Chinese.

34. All of a sudden, the name ‘Hang Tuah’ was stricken from all history books and you do know why, isn’t it? It is embarrassing to idolize a Chinese as a Malay Hero and worst, there was no other name that is as famous.

35. Remember his famous quote, ‘Takkan Melayu Hilang Di Dunia’? Malays in his era loved him very much for his loyalty even though history told us that the then Malacca sultan was a fickle minded asshole that did not deserved it.

36. He was so powerful yet so gentle; so Chinese yet so Malay. It took a Chinese warrior from China called ‘Hang Tuah’ who not only blended into local society, fought with them and for them, he even assured the local Malays that their race will not be wiped out from the face of this world…! By comparison, ‘Hang Tuah’ a Chinese is even more Malay than the Malays!

 37. Coming back to Sabahan pretenders of Semenanjung Parties who insult and degrade the local opposition party who stood up against an Evil Monster, have you no shame when you mark them with infamy just because they are Sabah based and you are from a Semenanjung Party? Have you forgotten that you yourself also have Sabah blood flowing inside you? You are telling Sabahans that your half past six leaders are better to lord over Sabah?

37. If your leaders are so invincible like you say they are, why don’t they become like ‘Hang Tuah’s of modern Malaysia instead of arrogant assholes…?

38. I only have one label for these Sabahan pretenders and that is they are traitors to Sabah of the highest order…!

With that The Sifu ended all political talk and jump started into dessert mode. It was unfortunate that I could not ask The Sifu one more thing before he whacked his Ais Kacang; did any one of you reading this, notice that The Sifu did not mention anything negative about PAS? Maybe next time...

 p.s.1. If you read between the lines, you will realize that a lot of unnamed ambitious politicians were literally ‘slaughtered’ by The Sifu whose motto is to spare no one that is incompetent. And to those of you who know that you are targeted, The Sifu has time and again reminded the two of us to tell you to your face if and when we have the opportunity one day “that there is absolutely no dignity at all for you to continue asking the ‘RAKYAT’ to keep voting for you when you are already a laughing stock as a result of your being thoroughly dishonest and your character utterly despicable.

p.s.2. We will try to produce a translated version of this conversation for the benefit of ‘BAHASA’-speaking readers but that will have to wait for a while.

p.s.3. Like what you are reading? Anyone of you guys and gals who want more from The Sifu will have to ‘bodek’ me and ATAMA ;-)

Gov't urged to justify RM48m upkeep of PM, DPM residences

Seri Perdana PM's residence
The government has been asked to justify the high cost of maintaining the official prime minister and deputy prime minister's residences at a time when the government is slashing subsidies for essential goods.

PAS women's wing deputy chief Siti Maria Mahmud said that this was necessary because the government is asking the public to adjust their lifestyles to meet the current economic environment.

"When it comes to educating the public about savings, it should start with the leader," Siti Maria Mahmud told reporters at the parliament lobby today.

DPM Putrajaya residence
Siti Maria was commenting on a Parliamentary written reply to Rantau Panjang MP Ziti Zailah Mohd Yusof, who is also the wing's chief, by the prime minister's department.

According to the written reply, RM48 million was spent between 2006 and 2010 to maintain the residences of the two national leaders.

"It costs so much and yet those residence are not in use all the time," commented Siti Zailah, who was also present.

According to the written reply, almost RM33 million was spent on rental alone for both properties during that period. Rental was paid to Perbadanan Putrajaya.

RM33,000 monthly water bill?

Another RM3.5 million was spent on repair work, RM10.2 million on electricity and RM1.9 million on the water bill.

"We never knew how big is the family of the prime minister and deputy prime minister, until now," chimed in DAP youth chief Anthony Loke, who was also at the press conference.

Prime Minister's residence
He contended that if the amount is divided up from five years and then by month, the end result will show that they government paid RM160,000 a month for electricity and RM33,000 a month for water for both official residences.

"That is enough to pay my electricity bill for 100 years and enough water for 6,000 people," he said incredulously.

Siti Maria who is also Kota Raja parliamentarian added that the government must be transparent with the rental contract it signed with Perbadanan Putrajaya on the rental of the two properties and whether in the long term after paying such a high rental, the government will get to own the properties.

Hazlan Zakaria

Monday, June 27, 2011

Bersih says will march on without permit

Debra Chong

Ambiga waves as she arrives at the Dang Wangi police station for questioning, June 27, 2011. — Picture by Choo Choy May

KUALA LUMPUR, June 27 — Despite being hauled up for police questioning today, Bersih chief Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan insists the July 9 march for electoral reforms will continue as planned.

The prominent lawyer said she will also not apply for a police permit to hold the street demonstration as the home minister and the police have made it clear one will not be issued.

She then slammed the authorities for hauling up civil society members campaigning for electoral reform instead of engaging them.

“Instead of threatening people, engage with us,” she urged the authorities, repeating the movement’s statement made last night.

Ambiga also repeatedly called the arrests of Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) members in Penang during the weekend “ridiculous”, denouncing attempts by various groups to link the minor political group backing Bersih to “communists”.

“I don’t know what it’s about... They are caught in a time warp. Who talks about communists in this day and age?” she quizzed, claiming the arrests were baseless.

The British colonial authorities battled communist terrorists from 1948 to 1960 in a police action called the Emergency and Malaysia later enacted the Internal Security Act (ISA) to allow detention without trial. The Communist Party of Malaysia (CPM) later laid down their weapons in 1989.

“Whoever wants to support Bersih, it’s up to them. It's open to all citizens,” she stressed.

Ambiga, who arrived at the Dang Wangi police station at about 2pm and left nearly two hours later, told reporters she had been questioned on three issues.

The first concerned the Bersih rally launched last week at the Chinese Assembly Hall here; followed by a recent police report in which she was accused of holding an illegal assembly outside the Jalan Travers police station; and the last was about her speech at a PKR-organised event held at the Girl Guides’ Association in Brickfields on June 12.

Protecting the Rich and Powerful

This morning, I read on Salon's website an article titled "The Rich Aren't Like You and Me," by Michael Winship. Winship describes how the rich are getting richer and richer and the poor, poorer and poorer. CEO pay and compensation continues to grow while workers' salaries stagnate. Of 438 companies analyzed:
[a]t 158 of the companies, more was paid to those in charge than was shelled out for outside audit fees. And 32 of them paid more in top salaries than they paid in corporate income taxes. The pay of 2591 executives was up 13.9 percent in 2010. Total, before taxes: $14.3 billion, almost equal to the GDP of Tajikistan, population: more than seven million.
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (See also, here) was passed in 2010, in response to the financial crisis, but interested parties have been chipping away at its regulatory power. One of the requirements of the Dodd-Frank would have made transparent the difference between CEO compensation and worker compensation of publicly traded companies: "The Dodd-Frank Act requires publicly traded companies to disclose the median annual total compensation of all employees of the company, the annual total compensation of the CEO, and the ratio comparing those two numbers."

Some folks, however, think that gathering this information is just "too burdensome" for companies and that the money spent gathering that information would best be spent on hiring workers. (Really, how difficult would it be for a company to publish that information in its annual report?) So Rep. Nan Hayworth (R-NY) has sponsored a bill--which has passed in the Committee on Financial Services--to do away with this "burdensome" requirement. Companies, of course, have a vested interest in not making this kind of information easily available to the public--and their own workers. Nan Hayworth also has a vested interest. As Michael Winship points out, Nan Hayworth's official biography
cites 'reducing regulatory burdens on businesses' as one of her top priorities. Among her leading 2010 campaign contributors: leveraged buyout specialists Vestar Capital Partners, distressed debt investors Elliott Management and financial services giant Credit Suisse. Not to mention the anti-taxation Club for Growth.
Businesses, of course, are making profits once again in our stressed economy; workers, however, are not seeing their pay rise accordingly.

So I was curious to see who co-sponsored this bill to lift such a "burdensome" requirement, as outlined in H.R. 1062: Burdensome Data Collection Relief Act. Here are the names: Judy Biggert (R-IL), Francisco Canseco (R-TX), Bob Dold (R-IL), Scott Garrett (R-NJ), Michael Grimm (R-NY), Peter King (R-NY), Bill Posey (R-FL).

As Peter Whoriskey reports in his article in the Washington Post, "Business Group: Public Companies Shouldn't have to Compare CEO and Worker Pay":
The committee vote was largely along partisan lines: Twenty-nine Republicans and four Democrats supported repeal; 21 Democrats opposed it.
As income disparity grows in this country, it's interesting to see just who forms alliances to hide that disparity and to protect the rich.

And so it goes.

Additional information:
members of the Committee on Financial Services

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Mr and Mrs Najib’s trips cost RM17 mil

From 2008 to June this year, Najib and his wife Rosmah Mansor travels have cost RM17 million.

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor spent slightly more than RM17 million of taxpayers’ money on travels from 2008 to June this year.

The figures were released by the Prime Minister’s Department in Parliament today in reply to a question from PKR Batu MP Tian Chua.

Najib and Rosmah’s travels in 2008 amounted to RM1.7 million, RM4.81 million the next year, RM5.41 million in 2010 and RM5.42 million up to June this year.

The opposition has in the past accused the ruling coalition of siphoning off public money to finance hefty private travels of the two, an allegation the government has denied.

Compared to her predecessors, Rosmah is seen as being more involved in government affairs, giving rise to the perception that she wields strong influence in her husband’s administration.

Rosmah, however, has denied the allegation.

In its reply, the Prime Minister’s Department said there were no specific allocations for the expenses of a prime minister’s wife.

“The PM’s Department only finances expenses involving the PM’s office,” it stated.

Meanwhile, the travel expenses of Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and his wife was 100% lower than that of Najib and Rosmah’s.

From 2008 to June this year, RM8 million was spent on their travels.

Some RM2.7 million was spent in 2008, RM609,185 the next year, RM1.38 million in 2010 and RM3.27 million up till June this year.

Syed Jaymal Zahiid

SAPP supports free and fair election

KOTA KINABALU, June 27, 2011: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Youth strongly support the efforts of Bersih on their 8 demands which should be acknowledged and respected.

It's Youth Leader, Edward Dagul said that it is the constitutional right of every Malaysian to voice his or her opinion, irrespective of the political inclinations.

"The 8 demands by Bersih should be respected and supported and if the voice is unheard, then the natural tendency of grouping takes over. The voices of the rakyat in wanting a free and fair election should not be stifled.

In the Bersih set up, the steering committee members have continuously stated that they are apolitical. Haris Ibrahim was quoted as saying, We say again and again, Bersih is not pro-Pakatan Rakyat.. Neither are we anti-Barisan Nasional. We are pro-reform."

Edward emphasized that the image of a stronger, independent EC would only help to boost Malaysia's standing as being a proponent to fair, transparent and just governance. The demands by Bersih are similar to the 8 points declaration by the Party especially "that the government shall be of the people and based on Good Governance and Civil Society."

"It is common knowledge to many that the current electoral system is riddled with faults to the extent of being biased to the government. The political gerrymandering of boundaries over the years, as well as the much talked continued presence of phantom voters within the electoral list are but a few of such examples in Sabah. Therefore, the demands by the Bersih organizers are justified and their proactive approach should be commended in making the country a more respected nation.

"Many have complained of the Elections Commission bias and our own experiences in Batu Sapi as well as the recently concluded Sarawak State elections are testament to this. SAPP has made numerous reports of election offences and other irregularities with the Election Commission but unfortunately, till now, no action has been taken.

Filipino gets 10 years, 4 strokes for rape

Hasbi (right) escorted from court
KOTA KINABALU: A 19-year-old Filipino waiter was sent to prison for 10 years and ordered to get four strokes of the cane after he pleaded guilty to raping a 16-year-old local girl.

Hasbi Dani, who was brought before Sessions Court Judge Caroline Bee Majanil for trial, changed his pleas and admitted to committing the offence at the bushes in front of the public park in Likas Bay near here at 10pm on Nov 26, 2010.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Afzan Abd Kahar in presenting the facts of the case, told the court that the girl was waiting for a bus when an unknown man grabbed her by her neck from behind and dragged her into the bushes.

The man, later identified as Hasbi, threatened her not to scream and hit her abdomen and slapped her repeatedly until she passed out. According to the victim, when she regained her consciousness, she found her trousers had been pulled down to her knees.

Afzan said two of the girl's acquaintances who heard her cries for help went to the said place and found Hasbi on top of her trying to strangle her.

Hasbi tried to flee when he realised their presence but the duo managed to nab him. The girl, identified Hasbi during a police identification parade as the man who had raped her. Hasbi who was not represented, requested for a lenient sentence, saying he had repented.


SAPP ‘no’ to ‘outsider’ as INTAN Sabah chief

KOTA KINABALU: It has come to the knowledge Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) that the Federal Government is planning to appoint yet another non-Sabahan or even Sarawakian to head INTAN in Sabah.

"INTAN is an important department in-charge of training our civil servants. The act of the Federal leaders under Umno to continue trampling on the 20 Points agreement to Borneonise all Federal Departments in Sabah could not be tolerated by Sabahans," said SAPP Supreme Council member Peter Marajin.

"We understand that the in-coming Sabah INTAN director is Mohd Nawardi Saad, who hails from Peninsular Malaysia currently attached to INTAN in Sungai Petani, Kedah.

"Isn't there a qualified Sabahan to head and staff Federal agencies here, after 47 years of togetherness under the Federation of Malaysia?.

"We call upon Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman, PBS president Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan and UPKO president Tan Sri Bernard Giluk Dompok to speak up and stop this trampling on our very condition to join hands with Malaya, Sarawak and Singapore in 1963 to form the Federation," he said in a statement issued yesterday.

Sabah and Sarawak want not only the heads of federal agencies in East Malaysia to be from their own, but also virtually all staff must be locals, he added.

"On this subject, I would ask why BN component parties from Sabah especially PBS, UPKO and PBRS are silent or non-effective on the issue of more and more from peninsular rather than locals being recruited to staff all Federal Departments in Sabah and Sarawak,” he said. This is very visible in the police, army, education, health, and the various departments as well as units under scores of Federal ministries that are being extended to Sabah now, he said.

"What will happen to our local graduates and school-leavers? They should be the ones recruited to staff all these agencies, not outsiders from peninsula," he said.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Dihalau Keluar Masjid Kerana Baju BERSIH


DEWAN Pemuda PAS kawasan Sepanggar, Sabah berasa kesal dengan sikap angkuh salah seorang Ahli Jawatankuasa Masjid Bandaraya, Likas, yang menghalau seorang pemuda daripada menunaikan solat di masjid itu semata-mata kerana memakai baju ‘Bersih’. 
Pemuda PAS Sepanggar melaporkan kejadian yang berlaku di masjid tersebut kelmarin dapat dilihat oleh seluruh ahli qariah yang turut sama bersolat di masjid tersebut.

Pemuda yang tidak mahu namanya dikenali itu, sememangnya sering bersolat di masjid tersebut telah dihalau keluar dari masjid ketika selesai bersolat Maghrib.

Selain menghalau pemuda tersebut, AJK masjid tersebut telah mengeluarkan kata-kata kesat dengan menuduh pemuda tersebut sebagai munafik.

Tidak cukup dengan kata-kata kesat, beliau turut menolak pemuda tersebut dengan kasar.

Situasi yang memalukan itu akhirnya dileraikan oleh salah seorang ahli kariah yang masuk campur.

Ahli kariah itu dengan nada yang tegas telah menegur AJK masjid tersebut kerana sikapnya yang memalukan itu.

Beliau membela pemuda tadi, dan memarahi AJK masjid tersebut kerana menghalau anak muda dari bersolat semata-mata kerana mamakai baju Bersih.

Justeru, Dewan Pemuda PAS kawasan Sepangar melihat perkara itu sepatutnya tidak berlaku.

Sehubungan itu, DPP Sepangar menggesa agar Jawatankuasa Masjid Bandaraya segera mengambil tindakan terhadap AJK masjid tersebut di atas sikapnya yang merosakan imej Masjid Bandaraya yang sememangnya terkenal di kalangan para pengunjung dan pelancong.

Mengenai himpunan aman Bersih 2.0 yang akan diadakan pada 9 Julai ini, DPP Sepangar menyeru seluruh rakyat Sabah agar berpakaian berwarna kuning dan keluar ke bandar-bandar beramai-ramai bersama keluarga.


Jangan Mimpi PKR Dapat Kerusi di Sabah?

Saudara Pengarang,

SAYA, Jain Bin Bayang, Ahli Jawatankuasa Cabang Batu Sapi yang baru dipilih pada 18 Jun 2011, dengan penuh keinsafan dan rendah hati, menggesa agar jawatan Pengerusi PKR Negeri Sabah dipegang oleh rakyat Sabah sendiri kerana sokongan moral rakyat semakin terhakis sejak dipegang oleh Majlis Presiden.

Sebagai ahli parti, kami amat malu dan berkecil hati dengan kecaman media dan pemimpin Barisan Nasional berhubung kepimpinan PKR Negeri Sabah, seolah-olah Sabah ketandusan pemimpin untuk mengemudi PKR.

Ahli PKR semakin gelisah kerana walaupun Konflik Dalaman PKR sudah berakhir dan kembali tenang, kenapa kami membebankan Presiden untuk menjadi Pengerusi PKR Sabah sedangkan beliau ada tugas lain yang lebih penting.

Perebutan jawatan PKR Sabah adalah lumrah dalam mana-mana parti tetapi Pemimpin Pusat tidak wajar terus menghukum kami sehingga terumbang-ambing bagaikan kapal tanpa nakhoda.

Secara moralnya, pemimpin UMNO memainkan semangat parokial yang sempit dengan mendakwa bahawa jika PKR berjaya menawan Sabah dalam pilihanraya umum akan datang, Ketua Menterinya didatangkan daripada Kuala Lumpur.

Persoalannya di sini, apa alasan Presiden untuk terus kekal menjadi Pengerusi PKR Sabah melalui tadbir urus Majlis Presiden?

Sewajarnya isu kepimpinan negeri diselesaikan sebelum pilihanraya umum ke 13 yang diyakini akan diadakan pada bila-bila masa. Jika Parlimen dibubarkan serentak dengan DUN, adalah mustahil kita dapat memenangi walau satu kerusi dalam keadaan rakyat Sabah tidak yakin dengan kewibawaan PKR. Bertindaklah sebelum terlambat!

Salam Hormat,

Jain Bin Bayang

Illegals and Unemployment in Sabah

KOTA KINABALU: Unemployment among the youths in Sabah and the presence of illegal immigrants are some of the problems affecting Sabahans right now.

Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Youth leader from Inanam, John Stephen Dionysius, who said this during his speech at the Youth Gathering cum Dinner themed "Sunrise after Tonight" at a local hotel in Kota Kinabalu.

After showing a video on the shocking revelation on "Projek M" or commonly called "Projek IC", John said this happened during former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir's era.

"Whether you like it or not or whether you believe or not these new breed of Malaysian citizens are already here and living among us within our community. They might be your neighbour, they might be your childhood playmate, they might be your college mate or university mate or they might even be your colleague or even worst they could be your family members today.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters let me share with you the fact to support whether the news has something to do with the increasing population in Sabah. The figure was provided by the Home Ministry in 2006 to an answer to our Member of Parliament for Sepanggar Datuk Eric Majimbun during Parliament seating.

"The Malaysian population in year 2000 is at 22,202,614. In 1970 Sarawak population stood at 976,269 and Sabah at 636,431. In year 2000, Sarawak population had increased to 2,012,616 an increased of 106%.

John said as for Sabah population had increased in 30 years to 2,449,389 from 636,431 an increased of 285% well ahead of Sarawak and today after year 2000 it is already balloon up to 3.1 million about 400% compare to Sarawak, 148% and west Malaysia, 165%.

"This figure is very alarming and it’s like a time bomb waiting to be exploded, as if the people of Sabah were extra productive in making wonders," said John.

Based on ethnic breakdown for Malaysian is Malay stand at 400 thousand, kadazan/dusun stand at 600 thousand, Bajau, 400 thousand, Murut, 100 thousand and others, 500 thousand and for your knowledge there is no Malay Sabah except in West Malaysia.

He said the question is that who is these OTHERS ... half a million?

"This I believe is the new generation of bumiputra Malaysian and believed to have outnumbered the local Sabahans especially the KadazanDusunMuruts (KDM) today. This so-called new breed of Malaysians also benefited to what the genuine local Sabahan enjoyed all the time such as application of land, education, employment but on the other hand they contributed to the increase in crime and poverty. The genuine people of Sabah have to compete with these newly and instant citizens.

"What is saddening and hurtful was when the ruling government and UMNO leaders denying the real fact and threat of illegal immigrants in Sabah whereas the people of Sabah knew this happening in front of their very eyes.

"The BN and in particular UMNO is responsible in issuing Mykad to this illegal and unqualified new bumiputra Malaysians.

"I like to challenge the ruling government especially UMNO to take legal action against me if what I have said here is false. And today Sabah has a 'Sultan' whereas for 47 years we never heard Sabah had one. Our lifes are always in fear with the scenario and threatening sovereignty of the state. Are you not feeling threatened?" he stormed.

"I called these BN leaders in Sabah traitors of their own races, traitors to the people of Sabah for failing to protect the interest of Sabah people. They are just like the Malay proverbs "Harap Pagar, Pagar Makan Padi".

John said that Sabahans were made to suffer and face the threat by BN giving Malaysian citizenship to illegals in order to serve their political ends and this is happening on a daily basis.

He said one of SAPP's plan is when they form the state government in the next GE13, its government will issue every genuine Sabahan a Sabah Identification Card (IC) to distinguish from the rest of other Malaysians. This is to safeguard and protect and ensure that only Sabah people benefit from the getting scholarship, land, employment and others.

Touching on unemployment in Sabah, John said that jobs are not easy to catch as job opportunities are less and less because the ruling government has failed to uplift the living standard especially the youth.

"Despite Sabah having the natural wealth in the country with abundance oil & gas, oil palm, timber and rubber, it is just unbelievable that Sabah is the poorest state in Malaysia and with unfair policies Sabahans are made to pay the highest of prices of goods. The World Bank report stated that 40% of poor Malaysians comes from Sabah.

"Sabah had to suffer from high cost of living with the lowest wages in Malaysia and our youths were forced to find jobs in the peninsular and abroad to make a decent income.

John also questioned the government's announcement that 40,000 jobs would be available to the people of Sabah through the inception of Sabah Development Corridor somewhere in 2007 and challenge them to reveal the figure on how many Sabahans got jobs since it was launched.

"In 2011 budget, Sabah BN has announced huge allocation of RM210.81 million to the Youth and Sports Ministry compared to RM3.8million in 2009 and RM4.8million last year. Has the amount successfully uplifted the standard living of the youth today? I doubt and the youths today remained status quo.

"I again demand the Ministry of Youth and Sport NKRA success rate to determine whether the ministry has achieved its goal in assisting the youth. Local Sabah were denied at federal government agencies and were given to those from Peninsular Malaysia as in the case of 400 computer technicians with SPM qualification sent to Sabah. We also have young adult who have the same skills and SPM qualification but why must the government transfer them to Sabah? The same case with teachers, teachers were transferred from West Malaysia to Sabah. This has made our young newly graduate teachers jobless.

"Is Sabah short of qualified and professional candidate to manage Sabah?" he questioned.

We can win and we can govern

"We must believe in ourselves...we can win and we can govern"

KOTA KINABALU, June 25, 2011: To bring Sabah back to its past glory and to pull themselves out of the present doldrums, Sabahans must be determined to rally behind local party like Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP), which is genuine and committed in fighting for political autonomy for Sabah.

This was the message of SAPP President Datuk Seri Yong Teck Lee while speaking at the political gathering cum dinner themed "Sunrise after Tonight", which was jointly organized by its Kota Kinabalu and Penampang youth wings, at the Promenade Hotel here, on Friday.

He explained that this is important citing the quandary that Sabahans are currently in under Barisan Nasional (BN) rule which, he described as a form of "Federal-State collusion" (to exploit both the State's rich natural and human resources).

"Sabah under BN rule today is not a "State-Federal cooperation" but a "State-Federal collusion"; bukan kerjasama, tapi "kap-sit sama"," he quipped. The term "kap-sit" is a Hakka word which means ‘in collusion', usually for a bad reason.

He cautioned that similarly, if Sabah comes under Pakatan Rakyat rule in future, the same fate may befall Sabah/Sabahans.

"It will still be the same - "kapsit sama", and not "kerjasama". We reject this "kapsit sama" set up. Therefore, we want genuine kerjasama and please don't think that they will give us autonomy as a matter of charity, but only because they have to," he said, stressing that this message is especially for all those ‘fence-sitters' out there who have yet to support SAPP.

He conceded that currently SAPP is facing a dilemma of having to face two different schools of thought, with one group of people determined to support local party like SAPP, and another one thought it's no point to support SAPP as it's just a ‘mosquito party' and can't form the State government even if it wins in the coming general election.

"This is the dilemma that we have to overcome, and this is where our sun will rise and shine. I put this to you, that you can do something to overcome this dilemma," he said.

To begin with, he stressed that it is important that Sabahans must start believing in themselves that they are capable of governing their own state, even better than now.

And to substantiate this, he cited the fine examples of Brunei and Singapore who despite their small size and not joining the Federation of Malaysia in 1963, are now clearly better off than Sabah and Sarawak who joined.

"Back in 1963, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore joined Malaya to form the Federation of Malaysia as, the British was saying that if you don't join Malaya, you will not be able to administer (your own state).

"From that time, it has been implanted in the mind of Sabahans that we cannot...that we must follow (Kuala Lumpur), from London to Kuala Lumpur we will follow. That was 1963.

"But, Brunei did not join and Singapore pulled out two years later. Lee Kuan Yew came to Sabah to persuade our leaders to join Malaysia. But after we joined Malaysia, he left without even saying good bye to us!

"Today, in Asia, which are the two smallest nations? None other than Brunei and Singapore and they are also the richest. Their currencies are also the strongest," he pointed out.

Yong further reminded that Sabah which is rich in natural resources like oil and gas, was once the richest state in Malaysia but now the poorest state.

"How could this be possible when Sabah is an oil and gas producing state? We should be better off today especially when the global oil price goes up, instead of becoming poorer.

"Hence, we must first convince ourselves that change must start with us. When the sun rises tomorrow, there will be a new era in Sabah. All the problems like poverty, land issue etc can be resolved. We must not be looked down upon by others!"

"Looking at that, that's why we come up with the slogan of "SAPP Boleh!" and the young people of Sabah Boleh!

"This is how we change our negative mindset to positive mindset i.e. from "cannot win, win also no point, to "we can win and we can govern"," he elaborated.

The former Chief Minister of Sabah went on to cite United Kingdom as another classic example of how a once small and weak nation could turn the table around to become the powerful British Empire, with colonies all over the world, including Malaya and Borneo, at one time.

"Once upon a time, England was a small island nation and it always come under attack of the neighbouring countries. But over the few hundred years, England developed a strong navy and later ventured out to concur other countries like Canada, America, India and Borneo to establish one of the world's greatest empires.

Hence, we must believe that like England, we too can turn the table around," he said.

Yong further reminded that the political equation in this country has changed after the March 2008 general elections.

"In the past, I repeat, you cannot form government in Sabah without Federal support, now the equation has changed, whereby you cannot form a central government without the support of Sabah and Sarawak. If not because of the MPs from Sabah and Sarawak, BN is now in the opposition. This is the new political equation of Malaysia," he reiterated.

"Hence, after 47 years of waiting, it is the right time now for the sun (SAPP youth leaders) to rise and to shine! SAPP Boleh!" he proclaimed to thunderous applauds from the audience.

"We in SAPP are very proud that the second generation of SAPP members are now in the front line in the fight for Sabah," he added.

Besides Yong, the event also featured three other speakers namely John Stephen Dionysius, SAPP Youth Exco and Assistant Secretary for SAPP KK Youth, Philicica Tong, SAPP Women Exco and Supreme Council member, and Yong Yit Yoong, SAPP KK Youth Chief.

They spoke on the various perennial and pressing issues affecting Sabah, such as the continuous presence of large number of illegal immigrants in the State; high unemployment rate among the people, the youth especially; high inflation versus low pay for the wage earners, etc.

Also present at the occasion were the various SAPP KK Zone CLC Chairmen, its Deputy President Datuk Liew Teck Chan, its Secretary-general Datuk Richard Yong, Treasurer-general Datuk Wong Yit Ming, Vice Presidents Don Chin and Melanie Chia who is also Wanita Chief, Youth Chief Edward Dagul, Information Chief Chong Pit Fah, former State Finance Minister Datuk Mohd Noor Mansor, and Conan Teo, the organizing chairman.

The guests were also entertained by local hip-hop singer Atama Katama and his group of dancers, and up-and-coming Sabah Hakka pop icon, Yee Tian Long.

PKR Karim keep on repeating the same mistake.

I am puzzled that SAPP did not issue any strong statement to reply PKR startegist Datuk Karim Ghani's remarks that SAPP must join Pakatan Rakyat on the old excuse that local Sabah parties are ineffective.

Karim's point is that only big national parties like PKR and the Pakatan coalition have the power to solve Sabah's problems. Wasn't that the same reason Karim used when campaigning for UMNO entry into Sabah?

Karim used to pride himself as the man who brought UMNO to Sabah and a party man whose only duty is to the party (UMNO). That was after he was sacked by USNO in the late 1980s.

He was very close to the than UMNO Deputy President Anwar Ibrahim, no doubt, but was also implicated in the murky world of UMNO politics in the 1990. It was reported that he was the head of UMNO's task force on "Pengundi Luar" (Outside Voters, aka Phantom Voters).

It is a mystery that PKR has not only accepted him but even made him "Director of Strategy". As chief strategist, his first strategy was to offend SAPP supporters and other Sabahans who have gotten fed up with "Big Brother" talk by West Malaysian parties.

As I recall, Karim's reason for leaving UMNO was because he said the Federal Government under PKR (Pakatan) would revive USNO, the party that he was responsible for putting an end to. Any USNO man today can vouch their regret for the dissolution of USNO in 1992.

Sabahan (Daily Express Sunday Forum)

Obedient Hubby Club

It is with great interest that I read the articles on the Obedient Wife Club and hereby would like to out my two cents worth of idea. I hope it get printed in your newspaper.

I am thinking of setting up an Obedient Husband Club. Following are the criteria for husbands in Malaysia who want to join this elite club. I am sure all the wives and femal in Malaysia will agree to the formation of the club.

Criteria for admission:

1. Must be able to do Washing (Clothes/Dishes)
2. Must be able to do General Cleaning.
3. Must be able to do Ironing.
4. Must be able to Cook.
5. Sex is not a must, but in the event required must be able to perform like a stud; although size does not matter but performance must be great and satisfying.
6. Last but not least, must be able to earn money to allow wife go shopping.

So to all you Husbands out there, if you can fulfil the above criteria, you are most welcome to join this elite club - The Obedient Husband Club.

Roland Ng (Daily Express Sunday Forum)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Wikileaks on Malaysia

Where the Malaysian Constitution and "Rukun Negara" tells us that there will be Freedom of Religion in Malaysia since the formation of Malaysia..and over the years, the Malaysians of all religions were subject to one rule....Umno rules and Malays cannot be of other religions other than Islam.





E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/12/2020





1.  (C) Two fundamental issues arise in connection with the Malaysian authorities' handling of the "Allah" case in which a Malaysian court has ruled unconstitutional the Najib Administration's effort to ban the use of the word "Allah" by a Catholic newspaper, publishing in both English and Malaysian.

Freedom of Religion

2.  (C) Despite its extensive efforts to reassure expatriate and foreign audiences, the Malaysian Government has focused only on protection of property and persons, foregoing an opportunity to make a clear statement on the maintenance of freedom of religion in the country.

Rule of Law and the Independence of the Judiciary

3.  (C) The Najib Administration's intervention has not been solely to promote and protect order and social stability. The Government has underlined the tenuous nature of judicial independence in the country by intervening to arrange a stay of the judge's order that the Catholic publication was allowed to use the word "Allah" in its vernacular text.

Moreover, the Administration has arranged a series of public comments from figures of authority ranging from the King to the Sultan of Selangor conveying to Malaysian citizens the clear message that the authorities are opposed to the judge's decision and do not foresee a time when the Government would retreat from its ban of the use of the word "Allah" in Catholic or other Christian publications.

4.  (C) The Administration's unwillingness to stand clearly for freedom of religion and the forthright application of legitimate judicial power, even when it is less than palatable to UMNO, the ruling party, is of concern.  That is particularly the case given the imminent trial of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim set to begin on January 25.

There has long been conflict between the ruling party's commitment in principle to freedom of religion and toleration of diverse views in practice.  Christians and Hindus, especially, find it hard in some states at some times to build places of worship or keep them from being plowed under in the name of development.

Chinese Buddhist temples are less problematic for the established federal and state powers.  Jewish places of worship are strictly forbidden.  Similarly, the Malaysian authorities do not respect in practice the independence of the judiciary, at least not on a consistent basis in which an opponent to the ruling party can depend on justice being served.

5.  (C) There remains a debate in Malaysia as to whether the Prime Minister genuinely intends to enact significant political reform or, alternatively, whether he is merely giving lip service to reform objectives so as to coax as many conservative Malay voters as possible back into warm embrace of the ruling party after mass defections in the March, 2008 elections.

There is evidence that his Administration wishes to liberalize the economy and recognizes the concomitant requirement to achieve at least a minimal level of political reform.  He has spoken openly about the need to revise the New Economic Policy, which embodies affirmative action provisions for the majority Malays and is the target of opposition and popular criticism because it establishes the equivalent of second-class citizenship for the roughly one-third of Malaysia's population that is either ethnic Chinese or Indian.

Najib has similarly taken small steps to open up the economy and is on record suggesting the country must change or perish.

6.  (C) But his failure thus far to record much in the way of tangible results, beyond more forward-looking and liberal rhetoric, leads to popular suspicion.  The conventional wisdom among most non-ruling coalition Chinese and Indians, for example, seems to be that the ruling party has orchestrated the "Allah" issue so as to increase support among Malay voters by fomenting division between Muslims on one side and Christians or secularists on the other in the opposition coalition.

Few in the opposition credit the Government with a sincere commitment to freedom of religion or the rule of law.  They may go too far in their distrust of the Government's motives and they may give the Government too much credit in its purported ability to organize conspiracies, but the popular view is widely and deeply held among non-Malay, non-Muslims that the Government is antagonistic toward other religions and is engaged in a long-term effort to expand Islam's primacy in Malaysian society.

7.  (C) Najib's public relations efforts to downplay differences among the races and religions and promote the concepts of toleration and moderation notwithstanding, he appears to have hardened popular views since the advent of his Administration given the steps hardliners in the ruling party have forced on their fellow UMNO members.

The Kartika caning case and the cow-head incident (ref D), and a number of less prominent news events involving constraints on the practice of religious freedom have firmed up the views of those already in opposition.

It is difficult to say at this point how this latest controversy will affect the ongoing priority on the ruling party's part to woo back ethnic Malays before another general election must be held by 2013.  But it is clear that there are limits as to how far Najib will go to earn the characterization of Malaysia as a moderate voice in the Muslim world.

We should adjust expectations accordingly, and we will have to monitor closely the next likely test of Najib's political will, namely Anwar Ibrahim's January 25 trial.



Sex services to 'resume later'

FB accounts of students offering sex closed

The Facebook accounts allegedly belonging to secondary school students offering sex services had been closed after China Press reported about them in its front-page on Thursday.

The daily reported that the girls were afraid that the authorities might be able to track them down through the accounts.

The paper had earlier reported that some students used Facebook to earn money through sex.

One said she had listed her sex services on a website to earn money to buy an iPhone.

A 17-year-old student from Kepong, who had paid RM300 a month to advertise herself on a sex website, said due to the report she would temporarily stop the advertisement.

She said she would resume her “service” later.

The daily also found out that a netizen who claimed to be a 21-year-old girl from Malacca cheated potential customers after they banked in the money to her.

The girl asked for RM300 per session of sex and RM600 for an overnight rendezvous.

The girl closed down her account after she received the money from the daily's reporter who had posed as a customer.

China Press also reported that a Form Three student from Ampang, Selangor, skipped school several times to have sex with her Form Four boyfriend in a toilet at a mamak stall.

Her teacher, who was suspicious about her constant absence from school, hauled her in for questioning.

The girl decided to tell her teacher the truth after she was threatened by her boyfriend to pay RM150 or he would tell her family members and classmates about their sexual liaisons.

> Sin Chew Daily reported that Ella Chen, a member of Asia's top all-girl singing group S.H.E., denied that she would marry her Malaysian boyfriend Alvin Lai this year.

“I am very busy this year. I have no time to get married,” she said.

Previously, a magazine reported that Chen would marry in December or March next year.

Friday, June 24, 2011

KDM membership in Umno a moral surrender

Datuk John Ambrose, the Umno head for Penampang, has claimed that the Umno KDM task force has been in existence from the very beginning of Umno in Sabah, initially led by Tan Sri Kasitah Gadam and Datuk John Ghani, and yet the state Sabah BN Youth Treasurer, Bahrul Razha Chuprat does not recognize it, hence insisting that the movement be endorsed by the coming Umno general assembly, saying "We, the youth leaders, need to know whether this KDM task force has been given the blessing by party President Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak. And whether only a certain group of party leaders or all leaders can use it.” Wait, who is supposed to endorse this, the Umno assembly or the umno president? Already, there is confusion about the matter in the state BN.

Interestingly, John Ambrose, trying to justify his  membership in Umno, had implied that KDMs who are in Umno should no longer be seen as traitors to the KDM community.  And so now there is suddenly a new interest to revive the Umno Sabah KDM task force to garner more support from the KDM people. As a move in this direction Umno gave away a token gift of RM50,000 to poor students in nine schools in Papar last month, with the nice rationale from the task force's Treasurer Datuk Peter Anthony that “There is nothing wrong in wanting to help those in need” – yes, especially if you have an axe to grind (LOL)! But then, is this money for poor students taken from the government’s (the people’s) coffer, from the Umno bank account, or from the private sector? If it is from the government why is it not distributed by the Papar’s YBs under the state or federal budget, and why is this being doled out by Umno for Umno’s campaign purpose? Has Umno the right to use the people’s money for its own campaign? If it is from the private sector the Department of Inland Revenue should look into the account of this Santa Claus. I cannot help smelling a rat in the whole thing.

This sudden generousity by Umno through the KDM task force has raised several very important questions. Why this move to revive the task force suddenly after ruling Sabah for 17 years? Is Umno abandoning the BN spirit in Sabah, and now thinks that the KDM-based parties (PBS, Upko and PBRS) are no longer necessary for BN? Is Umno saying that these parties have failed to get the support of the KDMs for the BN, and now Umno is stepping in to get these KDMs to come into BN through Umno instead? Is Umno preparing to rule the state all by itself after getting the KDM support, and by that time it can say to PBS, Upko and PBRS that “Now, you can leave BN if you want!”? It looks like it. Umno has become so arrogant that it thinks it can rule the state all by itself soon, as indicated by its moves to ask for KDM and Chinese seats to be given to it in the next general election. Even Datuk Marcus Mojigoh had said, “Go ahead, take my seat!” and Tan Sri Joseph Kurup had threatened to reevaluate its position in BN if Umno insists on taking his sole and precious Pensiangan seat.

Does this mean Umno is trying to pinch away support from the KDM-based parties? But Umno itself had started whining recently accusing “other BN components” of pinching away its members! So is Umno saying it is alright for it to do this kind of thing to its fellow BN components but won’t stand for it if the other components do the same to Umno? There is a name for that kind of attitude – hypocrisy!

Another issue to the whole thing is the matter of morale for the KDM community. Let’s not forget what Umno does at every Umno general assembly. The number one emphasis is always for the future of the Malays – Malay this and Malay that – Malay future, Malay special rights, Malay privileges, Malay shares, Malay rulers, and of course, Malay superiority and supremacy. How does a KDM Umno member feel in the middle of those shouting and holding up of the kris during the general assemblies every year? Even just by watching the whole thing on TV, there is a whole lot of alienation and blatant discrimination against non-Malay members from Sabah in the whole tone of the assemblies. I can never forget the time Datuk John Ghani speaking with high spirit in one of the assemblies in his Kadazan costume because it was to incongruent and against the spirit of the KDMs. Datuk John, thankfully, has since withdrawn from the whole charade.

At one time Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek left the assembly hall saying, the whole thing did hurt his feelings. So far no KDM Umno leader had ever said anything about how they felt. I bet many are not happy, even ashamed of their own political struggle in Umno, but they are too cowardly to say it. Some may even try to psycho themselves into thinking that they are Malays. But we all know that the rationale of it all, even when using the “rumpun Melayu” rhetoric, KDMs are still KDMs, and Umno is still a Malay party from the Peninsular. Before independence there were no Malays in Sabah.

Let’s us not forget that Umno was established for the cause of the Malay history and struggle, with the unending shout of “Hidup Melayu!” and “Takkan Melayu hilang di dunia!” At one time many people suggested that Umno be change to United Malaysia National Organisation but it was rejected outright by those who believe that, do or die, Umno must remain as a Malay vehicle forever. It is only in Sabah that Umno has compromised on the terms of its membership by allowing non-Malays to become members (including Chinese!) all for political expedience. But the moment they step off the plane in Kuala Lumpur, they become anomalies among the Malays, and seen only as political instruments (or traitors) for the conquest of the stubborn Land Below the Wind.

We can see that now, because of our own weaknesses, we are splintered into so many political parties. Our own leaders who were too corrupt and easily swayed could not even unite us under own political umbrellas. The Huguan Siou has been a failure and is no longer fighting for our future. If only he had focused solely on uniting the KDM and not got himself embroiled in politics by leading another KDM party, our fate would have a lot different.

Is it too late for a revival of a true Huguan Siou leadership? Maybe, maybe not, but PBS is too much in a dilemma today to do what is right, which is to sever its ties with Umno/BN once again and start a new revolution. This is all despite the fact that it was Umno who robbed power from PBS and thereafter caused so many of our problems in Sabah. It implemented the infamous Projek IC and caused a drastic increased our population within a few years, and worse, it made Sabah the poorest state in Malaysia.

Whatever the KDMs’ excuse for being in Umno, we know very well that the arrangement will always lead to self-destruction for the community in the end. Many reason that “We need to move forward,” but joining Umno is a moral defeat and surrender for us. History has proven it, but we never seem to learn anything from the hard and painful lessons.