Sunday, June 12, 2011

DAP's mischief exposed: Herbert

Kota Kinabalu: Opposition DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang is a double-faced politician for criticising the proposed RM470 million multipurpose dam in Tambatuon, Kota Belud, near here.

Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) Vice President-cum-Kadamaian Assemblyman Datuk Herbert Timbon Lagadan said Lim was purposely politicising the Tambatuon dam for hidden agenda.

"In the backyard of his (Lim) son's government in Penang, they are building a RM1.2 billion dam to meet the water requirements of Penangites in the event of drought.

"So why did Lim ask the Sabah Government not to proceed with the dam construction in Sabah?

The people of Kota Belud also deserve to have guaranteed water supply during drought just like Penangites," he said, Friday.

Herbert, who is also Community Development and Consumer Affairs Assistant Minister, said based on a reliable source, the owner of the land in Penang was paid an exorbitant RM600 million.

"Sabah DAP Chairman Jimmy Wong must ask Lim if he has percentage shares in the land cost as well as from the dam project.

"Perhaps Jimmy would like to sponsor air tickets from Singkui and a dozen more from Tambatuon to help stage a demonstration in Penang against the planned dam at Sungai Mengkuang in Penang," he said.

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