POTHOLES…..Datuk Richard Yong Chairman of SAPP Tanjung Aru CLC together with Bahari Aship, Vice Chairman of the CLC looking at buses entering the Terminal where there are potholes everywhere.
“Improve the KK Bus Terminal immediately and construct pedestrian overhead bridges as soon as possible.”
Datuk Richard Yong, Secretary-General of SAPP made a site inspection at the KK Bus Terminal and urged DBKK and the authorities concerned to act immediately to rectify the deplorable situation of the Bus terminal Kota Kinabalu at Wawasan Plaza and to construct pedestrian crossing bridges to ensure the safety of the pedestrians.
Richard Yong said, “Everyday, thousands of people, young and old arrived by bus have to cross the main roads to Wawasan Plaza and then to the other part of the city. Most of the times you can see they have to risk their lives while crossing the road,
“Over the years, time again the authorities had talked about making good the conditions of the bus terminal and the plan for the construction of the pedestrian overhead bridges but unfortunately, nothing has happened.”
Richard Yong lamented that the government saw the need to provide two pedestrian overhead bridges at the highway linking Tanjung Aru and KK International airport which is quite under-utilized but don’t seem to see the urgency to construct overhead bridges at pedestrian busy area such as near the bus terminal, Putatan and 1-Borneo.

“I hope the authorities will be sympathetic and don’t have to wait until any untoward incidents to happen. Act immediately to rectify shortcomings and improve the bus terminal,” said Richard Yong.
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