Monday, June 13, 2011

SAPP prefers "Pakatan Plus Formula"

By Dullie Marie
SAPP prefers the Pakatan-Plus formula announced by DAP's Lim Kit Siang in 2008.

We acknowledge the common political enemy of the oppositions is the Barisan Nasional and we are always prepared to work together with the Pakatan Rakyat to seek the solutions to achieve one-to-one contest against the BN in the coming general election.

We appreciate the invitation of PR's Sabah Secretariat inviting SAPP to join Pakatan Rakyat after their first meeting chaired by YB Fuziah Salleh, vice president of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) and also Member of Parliament for Kuantan.

SAPP withdrew from BN on 17th September, 2008 shortly after the BN formed the government. SAPP made a 8-points declaration as the basis of our struggle for Sabah including to correct the imbalances in the economic and social structure of the country affecting Sabah, that Sabah shall have political autonomy whereby the government shall be formed and run by the people of Sabah, that Sabah shall be given fair and just participation in the federal administration.

On greater interests of Sabah SAPP prefers the cooperation formula as announced publicly by YB Lim Kit Siang at the DAP gathering held on 16 September 2008 at Kian Kok High School where Lim Kit Siang called SAPP as Pakatan-Plus.

Our committee will continue to discuss with the Pakatan Rakyat parties to achieve what the public aspire for.

DULLIE HJ MARIE is Vice President of SAPP and Head of SAPP Negotiating Team

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