Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ibrahim an idiot or agent?

Perkasa or Ibrahim Ali, a so-called NGO, sponsored by Umno, on the pretence of fighting for 'Malay rights' has now step up its move to thwart Bersih's rally which is totally irrelevant to their (Perkasa 'cause') which was doubted by most right thinking Malaysians.

Bersih's rally is just about justice, free and fair elections for Malaysia...what this got to do with Perkasa...unless Perkasa is an agent of Umno.

Obviously, we see that the setting up of Perkasa was just a tool by Umno to create racial and religious uneasiness so as to make the Malays phobic of their rights being trampled (rubbish), their political supremacy diluted (rubbish) and non-Muslims' threat to Islam (also rubbish).

Well, all these are churned out for few things...a poltical purpose, power and survival.

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