Monday, June 20, 2011

'Chinese stay home' warning is seditious: Khairy

S Pathmawathy
Perkasa leader Ibrahim Ali's warning to Chinese Malaysians to stock up on provisions ahead of the July 9 Bersih 2.0 rally is “racist, seditious and dangerous”, according to Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin.

his is a threat against one community in the country, clearly and expressively... action should be taken against him (Ibrahim),” Khairy (left) told reporters in the Parliament lobby today.

At very least, Ibrahim should be investigated under the Sedition Act 1949, he said, while pointing out that the latter is not representative of the majority of Malays. 
“The Malays in Malaysia are a noble society and we will not do what is mentioned by Ibrahim, we live in harmony. And as Umno Youth chief, I stress that we do not subscribe to such views,” he said.

Ibrahim had pledged to hold a Perkasa 'Peace March' on July 9, further threatening that chaos would ensue if the Bersih rally for election reform is not cancelled.

“Imagine, ladies and gentlemen, if the Bersih rally is not called off and they go ahead with it - if they don't cancel it on July 8 or 9 - I believe the Chinese community, many of them, will have to stock up on food at home. Anything can happen on that day,” Ibrahim had said yesterday.

Last week, Khairy had announced that Umno Youth would hold its own rally on July 9 to show its support for the electoral system, thus opposing the Bersih 2.0 stand.

Khairy said that, while Umno Youth does not subscribe to the Bersih 2.0s demands, its rally will be a peaceful one.

“But (what was) mentioned by Ibrahim yesterday, if it is true, I find that it is a very dangerous... there is nothing brave in whatt he has said,” he noted.

“If we have the Sedition Act, (then) I don't know any more in what (case) it can be any clearer. It is up to the authorities to charge him, but he should investigated. I don't know if there is a police report on it.”

'Incendiary comment'

Asked about comments that the society should be more mature in dealing with hate-speech and racist innuendoes, Khairy said: “There are certain statements we can say (should be allowed). It's one's freedom of speech and (we can) be more tolerant, even (of) statements (that) hurt our feeling and to a certain extent (of those that perhaps) offend.

“But when he (Ibrahim) says the Chinese community should stock (up) on food, what does it mean? It means they (the Chinese) have to hide, that's what it means. It doesn't mean anything else. This is irresponsible. How can we accept this?”

Everyone has the freedom to assemble but not with the intention to hurt others, he noted, adding that what Ibrahim said “is incendiary, threatening and seditious”.

On a related matter, Khairy said he respects the wishes of other BN component parties to stay out of the Umno Youth rally.

“I can't order them around but it will not hamper our efforts to go forward with our rally. It's up to them,” he said, adding that the wing anticipates tens of thousands to join its demonstration.

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