Sunday, June 26, 2011

PKR Karim keep on repeating the same mistake.

I am puzzled that SAPP did not issue any strong statement to reply PKR startegist Datuk Karim Ghani's remarks that SAPP must join Pakatan Rakyat on the old excuse that local Sabah parties are ineffective.

Karim's point is that only big national parties like PKR and the Pakatan coalition have the power to solve Sabah's problems. Wasn't that the same reason Karim used when campaigning for UMNO entry into Sabah?

Karim used to pride himself as the man who brought UMNO to Sabah and a party man whose only duty is to the party (UMNO). That was after he was sacked by USNO in the late 1980s.

He was very close to the than UMNO Deputy President Anwar Ibrahim, no doubt, but was also implicated in the murky world of UMNO politics in the 1990. It was reported that he was the head of UMNO's task force on "Pengundi Luar" (Outside Voters, aka Phantom Voters).

It is a mystery that PKR has not only accepted him but even made him "Director of Strategy". As chief strategist, his first strategy was to offend SAPP supporters and other Sabahans who have gotten fed up with "Big Brother" talk by West Malaysian parties.

As I recall, Karim's reason for leaving UMNO was because he said the Federal Government under PKR (Pakatan) would revive USNO, the party that he was responsible for putting an end to. Any USNO man today can vouch their regret for the dissolution of USNO in 1992.

Sabahan (Daily Express Sunday Forum)

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