Tuesday, June 7, 2011

PPP castigate Govt for issuing “flawed” passport Aijaz War

Srinagar:  Peoples Political Party (PPP) Monday accused authorities of political vendetta in issuing “flawed” passport to brother of party chairman.   
Addressing a press conference here, PPP chief, Hilal Ahmad War castigated the Government for denying his entire family right to life. 
“On the directions of Hon’able High Court, the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a passport to my brother, Ajaz Ahmad War (a journalist by profession)   on June 04 last from the regional passport Office here. The passport has been issued with a validity of just one year wherein it is enunciated on the passport that Ajaz Ahmad War can travel to all the countries except Pakistan,” Hilal Ahmad said while addressing a Press Conference here.
“This is in violation of Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir and Constitution of India also .This is also in violation to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,” War claimed. 
This “unconstitutional action of Government of India”, he said, vindicated party’s stand that “India is an occupying power.” 
He said that the travel document issued to Ajaz Ahmad War was a “legitimate weapon” to be used at the international fora as evidence that India has virtually accepted Kashmir as a ‘dispute’. “This travel document has strengthened our argument that the people of Jammu and Kashmir are de-facto citizens of India not de-jure.”
War also reiterated his party stand about demand of Right to Self-determination as solution to Kashmir issue.” This is neither negotiable nor can be compromised. Nobody whether a genuine head of a political party or leader of any group or conglomerate  is or can be authorized to enter in any sort of compromise on this principle on behalf of J & K people to act as political attorney of J&K people in any conference, bilateral or trilateral talks.”  

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