Wednesday, June 1, 2011

SAPP is a multi-racial party

Chan Foong Hin, publicity secretary of DAP urged both Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) and United Borneo Front (UBF) to stop calling DAP's Lim Kit Siang of being "arrogant" and "harsh" for issuing ultimatum asking SAPP to join Pakatan Rakyat recently.

Chan Foong Hin's statement is a camouflaged attack on SAPP by pretending to call on SAPP and UBF not to prolong the argument. His statement must have been prompted after reading newspapers and internet about non-racial political struggle by SAPP for Sabahans.

Chan was the MC for the DAP Pesta Kaamatan at Putera Ballroom Hall on 27th May, surely he has seen us Bumiputras from SAPP in the front row. As the Chief negotiation from SAPP with DAP I was there together with my SAPP colleagues. I also met DAP's Fred Fung at the Kaamatan function. Chan mentioning SAPP as a Chinese dominated party is deadly wrong and it reveals how little they know about SAPP. The fact that SAPP is a multi-racial party is well reflected by its top leadership and members.

Before SAPP left Barisan Nasional about 60% of its members were Bumiputras, Muslim and non Muslims. After SAPP left Barisan Nasional it has undergone tremendous changes in its structure. Rebranding of the party was made with the inflows of new members especially the Bumiputras. The present structure of the organization reflects SAPP's multi-racial concept.

We recognise the fact and the reality that only Pakatan Rakyat can march to Putrajaya by winning more of parliamentary seats. PR wants to save Malaysia and in today's scenario PR can't get to Putrajaya without Sabah and Sarawak just like Barisan Nasional. Chan says PR wants to reinstall the autonomy to Sabah, if that is really the case, I suggest PR start doing that by showing Sabah and its local parties and leaders with reasonable respect.

SAPP is ready to cooperate with Pakatan Rakyat to achieve the goal on the basis of one to one to face Barisan Nasional. However, Pakatan Rakyat must also understand our aspirations of wanting autonomy for the State.

We strongly believed the change can only be made through local party/parties. The implementation of 20 Points can't be made through outside but only by Sabahans. It is illogical to free ourselves from crocodile's mouth but ending up in tiger's belly. This scenario must be avoided for Sabah to move forward..

The problem with leaders from the Peninsular is that they always tend to look down upon us in Sabah like having colonist mentality. Lim Kit Siang speech has not at all reflects the urgency on the need of cooperation among the oppositions but pure arrogance. SAPP as a local party has been on the ground and we don't believe in lips service because Sabah is our home town, we know Sabah better.

Our willingness is well reflected by our response to the need of negotiation with Pakatan Rakyat. The negotiation is impossible unless we have the trust. SAPP will be sincere in its efforts to have formidable force with other oppositions. It has to be made in the spirit of understanding and mutual respect.

By Dullie Hj Marie, Vice President of Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP)

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